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  • 1  Path Planning for Reconnaissance UAV Based on Ant Algorithm
    LIU Chang-an LI Wei-ji WANG He-ping
    [Abstract](7176) [HTML](0) [PDF 300.75 K](3948)
    To improve the efficiency of UAV in combat mission, a highly effective flight path for the UAV in the execution of the mission should be planned before the mission. This can ensure that the UAV should arrive at the target with a higher survivability and an acceptable path length. In view of this problem, this paper presents an optimal method of path planning based on the Ant Algorithm. The simulation results show that the method has some good characteristics and is effective in path planning.
    2  Analysis of Moving Mesh Generation Technology
    SHI Zhong-jun XU Min CHEN Shi-lu
    [Abstract](5673) [HTML](0) [PDF 312.58 K](3945)
    Based on the study of the two-dimensional moving meshes in dynamic aeroelastic interaction simulation, a three-dimensional moving grid enrichment approach is developed and illustrated in this paper .The key advantage of this approach is that the meshes interpolated in the computational domain is utilized to remap the flow variables from the old mesh to the new. The robustness and efficiency for coupled structure-fluid time marching computations have been emphasized in mesh deformation algorithm. Examples representating 2D and 3D flow problems are demonstrated,which shows the effictiueness of the approach.The results are satisfactory in the case of small amplitude displacement.
    3  Researches on the Model of Air Defeoce Strategy Vvarfare
    SHEN Mao-xing LI Wei-min CHEN Yong-ge
    [Abstract](5470) [HTML](0) [PDF 227.27 K](2075)
    The concept of potential function and the dynamic model has been introduced for air-defence strategy system based on the knowledge of the potential warfarelaw, With these models and its elementary analysis , we have obtained some valuable conclusions for air - defence strategy system.
    4  Network Traffic Monitoring Techniques and Analysis of Performances
    YANG Ce ZHANG Yong-zhi PANG Zheng-she
    [Abstract](5370) [HTML](0) [PDF 290.59 K](2578)
    Network traffic data is very important to the network resource distribution,plan of netwrok capacity,analysis of network service quality,network error monitoring and isolation,and management of network securityThis paper first discusses the model and implementation of network traffic monitoring techniques,and then presents the comparison among and analysis of the three kinds of main network traffic monitoring techniques,finally intrduces the different applicable situations of the three kinds of techniques
    5  Determination of Discrimination Coefficient in Grey Incidence Analysis
    SHEN Mao-xing XUE Xi-feng,ZHANG Xiao-shui
    [Abstract](5357) [HTML](0) [PDF 181.82 K](6340)
    Through demonstrating the influence of discrimination coefficient on grey incidence coefficient in the grey incidence analysis,this paper presents some conclusions defined in selecting discrimination coefficient and the improvement in selecting discrimination coefficient and the improvement in selecting the discrimination coefficient in usual grey incidence analysis literature which is changed from
    6  On Semantic Distance and Near Compactness for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Match
    LEI Ying-jie WANG Tao ZHAO Ye WANG Jing-yu
    [Abstract](4721) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.91 M](2220)
    The fundamental notions and operations on Atanassov's Intuitionistic Fussy Sets are first introduced, and the semantic matching problem of intuitionistic fuzzy reasoning is described with the emphasis on proposing the extensions of methods for computing the semantic distance and near compactness as the measurement of intuitionistic fuzzy matching degree and on investigating the extensions of models for computing intuitionistic fuzzy near compactness and semantic distance, such as Hamming distance, Euclidean distance, Minkovski distance and Chebyishev distance, etc. on both space of discrete and continuous domain. The techniques for transforming intuitionistic fuzzy near compactness or semantic distance into intuitionistic fuzzy matching degree are exposed.
    7  An Object Detection Algorithm Based on DecisionLevel Fusion of Visible Light Image and Infrared Image
    BAI Yu HOU Zhiqiang LIU Xiaoyi MA Sugang YU Wangsheng PU Lei
    2020, 21(6):53-59.
    [Abstract](4381) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.31 M](2247)
    In view of fusion object detection of visible light image and infrared image, an object detection algorithm based on decisionlevel fusion is proposed. The YOLOv3 network is retrained by establishing a labeled data set, and the trained YOLOv3 network is used to detect the visible light image and the infrared image separately before fusion. In the process of fusion, a novel detection fusion algorithm is proposed. First, the accurate results of the object detected only in the visible image or only the infrared image are retained, and then the accurate results of the same object in the object detected in both of the visible image and the infrared image are weighted and fused. Finally, taking the combined detection results as the detection results of all corresponding objects in the fused image, the rapid object detection based on decisionlevel fusion is realized. The experimental results show that all indicators have a good performance on the established data set. Among them, the detection accuracy of the proposed algorithm amounts to 84.07 per cent. Compared with the algorithm of detecting the visible light images and the infrared images alone, the detection accuracy of the algorithm increases by 2.44% and 21.89% respectively, more objects can be detected, and there is a decrease in false detection of objects. Compared with the three detection algorithms based on featurelevel image fusion, the detection accuracy of the algorithm increases by 4.5%, 1.74 %, and 3.42% respectively.
    8  Summary of Parallel Test Technology
    XIAO Ming-qing ZHU Xiao-ping XIA Rui
    [Abstract](4228) [HTML](0) [PDF 4.59 M](2248)
    Some challenges faced in weapon system maintenance of our army, especially of Air Force, are first introduced and a parallel test technology is derived in this paper. Great advantages of the parallel test technology are displayed based on the analysis of parallel test concept. And then various implement approaches of parallel test, their merits and demerits are analyzed in detail. In the end, several basic system archtectures of parallel test are put forward, which give some useful foundation work for the parallel test technology application in the future.
    9  Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Atmosphere Plasma Flow Control Technology
    LI Ying-hong WU Yun SONG Hui-min ZHANG Pu WEI Feng-ting
    [Abstract](4179) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.02 M](1770)
    Elementary atmosphere plasma flow control experiment is performed. Atmosphere plasma is generated on the surface of plasma actuator and the phenomenon of asymmetric plasma actuator inducing boundary layer to accelerate is verified. It is found that in the case of laying a symmetric actuator and an asymmetric actuator in bridge and vertically, the acceleration phenomenon of boundary layer on the surface of asymmetric actuator will disappear and a vortex motion of boundary layer on the surface of symmetric actuator will arise. The effectiveness of using plasma actuation to suppress airfoil stall separation is verified.
    10  Overview of Visual Prolog Intelligent Integrated Development Environment
    LEI Ying-jie XING Qing-hua SUN Jin-ping ZHANG Lei
    [Abstract](4172) [HTML](0) [PDF 651.61 K](2550)
    Visual Prolog has already become a widely used AI programming language in logic and international developing tools and environment, which has a powerful, general-purpose, intelligent and integrated visual studio. All aspects of Visual Prolog are presented in this paper, such as its origin and evolvement, and its visual programming environment, visual programming interfaces, features of programming language and compiler, running environment and so on.
    11  An Overview for Development of the Techniques on Multiple Sensor Registration
    HE Xi-bin LI-jiao JING Zhong-liang
    [Abstract](4018) [HTML](0) [PDF 350.84 K](2867)
    Multiple sensor registration is important link in multisensor data fusion. In this paper. the source of registration errors and principle of registration techniques are briefly introduced firstly. Then,a review of the available techniques for multisensor registration is given. Finally , the combined technique of computational intelligence 、knowledge base and neural networks is proposed to solve the problem of registration.
    12  Study of Effectiveness Evaluation of Maintenance Support System Based on Catastrophe Theory
    YANG Yi WU Chang QI Sheng-li
    [Abstract](3918) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.77 M](2202)
    Based on catastrophe theory, catastrophe evaluation is used to study the effectiveness evaluation method of maintenance support system of air force communication equipment, and compared with the results of AHP, the conclusions are accordant on the whole. This study provides a new method for effectiveness evaluation of maintenance support system and a quantitative basis for decision.
    13  Applications of Green Remanufacturing Engineering to Military Equipment
    XU Bin-shi MA Shi-ning LIU Shi-can ZHU Sheng WANG Hai-dou
    [Abstract](3737) [HTML](0) [PDF 444.25 K](2369)
    Green remanufacturing engineering is a new subject and promising ind. and simultaneously it is an inheritance and a development to maintenance engineering. The main aspects such as connotation, the course of development and key technology in green remanufacturing engineering are introduced in detail in this paper. The nano surface engineering is a key to the technology of green remanufacturing engineering. Some advanced technologies such as high velocity arc spraying, nano electric brush plating and nano antifriction self-repairing additive are studied to improve excellently the properties of antifriction, wear resistance and anti-corrosion of the component. The remanufacturing engineering is an important part of advanced manufacture engineering.
    14  Researches on Modeling the Potential warfare Law of Air Def ense Strategy
    WANG Feng-shan SHEN Mao-xing
    [Abstract](3718) [HTML](0) [PDF 169.81 K](1710)
    The concept of potential function is firstly introduced for air-defence strategy system based on the knowledge of the potential warfare law. By this point , the comparison of potential function , the isopotential surface , the evolvement of potential function and the potential program are presented in succession. With these models , we also give some valuable conclusions for the construction of air-defence strategy system.
    15  Transmission Channel Analysis of Common Data Link
    LIANG Jun YUAN Xiao-gang YANG Fang YU Kan-min
    [Abstract](3638) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.19 M](1210)
    Common Data Link (CDL) is a new technology used for transmitting real - time information and data from aero platform to ground bases, ships and aircraft. The system structure of Common Data Link is described. In addition, several key factors are analyzed, such as communication range, block in transmission route, path loss due to bad weather and etc., and the Signal Noise Ratio is reckoned.
    16  BVR Air Combat Maneuvering Decision by Using Q-network Reinforcement Learning
    ZHANG Qiang YANG Rennong YU Lixin ZHANG Tao ZUO Jialiang
    2018, 19(6):8-14.
    [Abstract](3570) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.59 M](2178)
    In consideration of the great Impact of missiles on air combat, the continuous and multidimensional state space and the weakness of traditional approaches in ignoring opponent’s strategy in the air combat, reinforcement learning is applied to 1vs1 beyond visual range (BVR) air combat maneuvering decisions. Firstly, a new reinforcement learning framework is built to decide both sides’ maneuvers. In this framework,ε-Nash equilibrium strategy is proposed to choose action, and reward function is revised by missile attack zone scoring function. Then, by using a memory base and a target network, Q-network can be trained, forming a “value network” for BVR air combat maneuvering decisions. Finally,Q-network reinforcement learning model is designed, and the whole maneuvering decision is divided into learning part and strategy forming part. In the simulation, considering that the enemy in the air combat confrontation adopts a fixed maneuver and the two sides are both agents, the former agent wins, and the latter has the advantage of the situation to win, verifying that the agent can perceive the situation of air combat and make a reasonable BVR air combat maneuver.
    17  A Phase-smoothed Pseudo-range Algorithm Based on Complementary Kalman Filtering
    YANG Chun-yan WU De-wei LU Yan-e ZHANG Hui
    [Abstract](3495) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.21 M](1962)
    In the baseband signal processing of high precision GPS receiver, the measurement accuracy of carrier phase smoothing pseudo-code measurement is greater than that of pseudo-code measurement. The traditional phase-smoothed pseudo-range algorithm is suitable for the condition that the number of smoothing epochs is not too great, but this will not hold true in the application situation of the short time multi-epoch smoothing. So the deficiency of the traditional phase-smoothed pseudo-range algorithm is analyzed under the condition of smoothing epochs increased. The complementary Kalman filtering is then employed as a novel smoothing algorithm in comparison with the traditional one, and the corresponding mathematical analysis of complementary Kalman filtering is provided, the feasibility of the algorithm is also analyzed. The simulation results show that because the influence of all relevant errors is taken into account in the complementary Kalman filtering, its smoothing precision is higher than that of the traditional one when the number of smoothing epochs exceeds 500.
    18  Single-electro Transistor (SET) and Its Application
    CAI Li MA Xi-kui
    [Abstract](3373) [HTML](0) [PDF 350.25 K](4629)
    As electronic device dimensions approach nanometer scale, quantum effects become especially and increasingly important for device operation, and the transistor structure with new mechanism needs to be adopted. The single-electron transistor (SET) is a typical example of such a structure. In this paper, the operating principle of SETs is analyzed in contrast to that of the conventional transistors (MOSFET) and some applications of SETs are outlined simultaneously.
    19  Study on Petri Net Model for Multi-Satellites-Ground Station System
    WANG Yuan-zhen ZHAO Jian NIE Cheng
    [Abstract](3353) [HTML](0) [PDF 415.06 K](1911)
    A new type of extended Petri net model - Timing Constraint Colored Petri Net is advanced and studied. Then the service types, resource types and performances, and the facility scheduling policies are analyzed within the multi-satellites-ground station system. Based on this, the system model is established, which provides ways and means for the optimization of facility development scheme and for the dynamic performance analyzing of the whole satellite-ground system.
    20  Status and Perspectives of Prognostics and Health Management Technology of Avionics System
    JING Bo HUANG Yi-feng ZHANG Jian-ye
    [Abstract](3319) [HTML](0) [PDF 722.93 K](5743)
    Prognostics and health management technology, more advanced than the traditional fault diagnosis technology, is about fault diagnosis, prognostic and health management. It is of great significance in cutting down failure rate and maintenance cost. More and more attention is paid to the reliability of electronic system, especially avionics system. Applying PHM technology to electronic system has been one of the most important trends of PHM technology. Based on the analysis of current research, the four implementation methods of prognostics and health management technology of electronics are summarized. They are monitoring precursors, using canary structures, monitoring environmental and usage loads and integration. Then, the key technologies related to PHM technology of electronics are presented, and the future problems and challenges for PHM technology of electronics in the field of precursors capture, physical degradation model and quality of electronic component are discussed. Finally, several suggestions, about design for testability, standard and estimation of PHM technology, are given for future development of PHM technology of electronics.

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