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  • Volume 20,Issue 1,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >Military Aviation
    • Maintenance and Support for Military Aircraft Based on the Combat Effectiveness

      2019, 20(1):1-6.

      Abstract (1282) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (2312) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compared with the civil aircraft, the restoring, maintaining and improving based on the combat effectiveness must always be taken as the fundamental purpose, and simultaneously, the seeking for the best economy must also be taken into consideration in the whole process of the maintenance and the support for the military aircraft. In this paper, a generalized model of combat effectiveness is established firstly based on the definition of combat effectiveness, and a concept named Combat Effectiveness Based Maintenance and Support (CEBM&S) is put forward. The connotation of the CEBM&S is expounded, and an application process of the CEBM&S is proposed, and an example is given. Finally, there are two key problems of the CEBM&S to be discussed. By applying the CEBM&S, the relationship between the combat effectiveness and the maintenance & support activities can be quantified by a mathematical model, and then the combat effectiveness can be maximized by optimizing the maintenance and support process.

    • A HeavyWeight Airdrop Flight Controller Design by Using BackStepping Sliding Mode with Adaptive Function Approximation

      2019, 20(1):7-12.

      Abstract (1238) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (1327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a backstepping sliding mode flight controller with adaptive function approximation for heavyweight airdrop operations is proposed in consideration of aerodynamic uncertainty. The complex nonlinear uncertainty is first factorized into a known matrix and an uncertainty parameter vector, and the difficulties of the controller design are reduced. On this basis, an adaptive law is designed to estimate the uncertainty parameter vector, and the problem of the switching gains of the sliding mode controller selected according to the bounds of the uncertainty is solved. Lyapunov based analysis indicates that the proposed method can ensure the air speed and pitch angle of the aircraft converge to an arbitrary small area.

    • Numerical Study on Influence of Control Surfaces on Aero-Elastic Characteristics of ForwardSwept Wing

      2019, 20(1):13-19.

      Abstract (1147) HTML (0) PDF 2.98 M (1368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A numerical simulation based on computational fluid dynamics/ computational structural dynamics (CFD/CSD) loose coupling static aero elastic numerical calculation method is presented for elastic forwardswept wing (FSW) with control surfaces for its aeroelastic characteristics. The calculation and analysis on aeroelastic characteristics of the elastic FSW with control surfaces are performed under conditions of different angle of attack, dynamic pressure and mach numbers. The calculation result shows that the control surface deflection has great influence on FSW static aeroelastic characteristics; the aerodynamic and elastic deformation characteristics of elastic FSW rank first when leading and trailingedge control surfaces deflect in same direction with different angles of attack, and the liftdrag characteristics of elastic FSW is fairly good when α=4°. The aerodynamic and elastic deformation characteristics of elastic FSW are quite good when leading and trailingedge control surfaces deflect in different direction with different dynamic pressure, and the maximum liftdrag ratio is ahead of about 7%; The lift coefficient of all elastic models is the best when Ma=0.7. The study provides reference for real use of FSW only.

    • The Effect of Different Vertical Angle on Back Flow of the Jet Blast Deflector

      2019, 20(1):20-25.

      Abstract (1357) HTML (0) PDF 2.25 M (1635) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although the jet blast deflector (JBD) can change the direction of the engine wake to the upward, and prevent the deck from being ablated and protected the equipment behind the aircraft, the backflow generated from JBD is unfavorable to the engine. In this paper, the characteristics of the backflow based on the vertical angle of 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°and 12° are investigated. The results indicate that the backflow would change the direction to the outward under the wake flow. If the JBD vertical angle is less than the critical angle 6°, the backflow would flow along the engine and be easily drawn into the air inlet. Or the backflow would remain changing direction to the outward, even to the backward, avoiding the backflow drawn into the air inlet. These are for reference of the layout only.

    • Optimization and Implementation of MultiComputer Cooperative Algorithm in a Specific Virtual Operation Environment

      2019, 20(1):26-31.

      Abstract (1204) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (1641) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of the special circumstances of large scale complex weapon and equipment cooperative operation in the same time and space, this paper carries out the research on multi computer cooperative operation under the specific virtual operation environment of LAN. The paper constructs the LAN environment by Unity3D/network technology based on component network algorithm module built a good package by the optimization of join counter and control script call algorithm, reducing the collaborative process of multiple machines from the server to the client network delay. The results show that the optimization algorithm is better than the network module builtin encapsulation algorithm, and is fully satisfied with the multi computer cooperative operation under condition of specific virtual operation environment.

    • Study of Classification of Aircraft Types in the Wake Turbulence Separation Standards

      2019, 20(1):32-37.

      Abstract (3245) HTML (0) PDF 1.16 M (3643) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The classification of aircraft types is the foundation and basis in the wake turbulence separation calculation. Aviation control institutions now in our country are all just the same to ICAO in the classification standards of aircraft types, i.e. the weight of aircraft. In the RECAT proposed by Europe and the United States, the classification of aircraft type and standard of wake turbulence separation have been readjusted according to some parameters such as maximum takeoff weight and wingspan. In this paper, priority is given to the current classification method of aircraft type adopted by aviation control institutions and RECAT 1.5, RECATEU classification method of aircraft types in order to achieve the establishment of the aircraft circulation calculation model, calculate and analyze the circulation in the approachandlanding stage of fortythree common aircraft types, thus putting forward a RECATNEW aircraft type classification in terms of circulation. The calculation indicates that in the RECATNEW classification method of aircraft type, the average absolute deviation and standard deviation of the classification range for various aircraft types are less than those values in the RECAT 1.5 and RECATEU classification ranges, and can further be satisfied for the study requirements of RECAT.

    • A Creep Thermal Fatigue Life Prediction Method for an Accessory Shell Based on the Coupling of Thermosetting Vibration

      2019, 20(1):38-45.

      Abstract (1501) HTML (0) PDF 2.91 M (1573) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A creep thermal fatigue life prediction method for an accessory shell based on the coupling of thermosetting vibration is proposed in this paper. The distribution of the temperature filed of the accessory shell obtained by the ANSYSFluent module is based on the simulation results of the fluid solid heat coupling, and the results are verified by the measured data. The stress and strain field of the shell is obtained by using the temperature field data transfer approach and the ANSYSWorkbench module to simulate the thermal solid vibration coupling of the accessory shell, and coupled with the linear cumulative damage theory, the creep rupture life and thermal fatigue life of the accessory shell are coupled, obtaining the creep thermal fatigue life prediction results. On the one hand, the differences between pure thermal fatigue life (41 063 cycle life) and creep thermal fatigue life (39 054 cycle life) are compared and analyzed. The results show that the high thermal creep in the aero engine accessory system has a significant effect on the thermal fatigue life of the accessory shell. On the other hand, the creep thermal fatigue (23 334 cycle life) based on steadystate temperature field and the creep thermal fatigue (24 545 cycle life) based on transient temperature field (considering temperature and variable rate) are compared and analyzed. The results show that the temperature change rate affects the creep thermal fatigue life in the aero engine accessory system to a certain extent.

    • >Military Intelligence
    • Massive Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Application for Aircraft PHM

      2019, 20(1):46-54.

      Abstract (1763) HTML (0) PDF 2.45 M (1356) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that the newgeneration aircraft is characterized by electronic productintensive, complex system structure and failure mechanism, multiple failure modes, difficult to carry out effective fault prediction and health management by the traditional methods. A PHM(Prognostic and Health Management)method based on massive data mining of aircraft is presented in this paper. Firstly, the characteristics of the new generation aircraft are analyzed from the aspects of system structure, service environment, and data source and data storage mode. Secondly, the key technologies based on massive data mining are discussed, including data preprocessing, integrated management, diagnosis and prognostic model and so on. Finally, a massive data mining platform of aircraft PHM based on private cloud is proposed. The overall framework, hardware and software structure of the platform are described in detail. The massive data mining platform of avionics system can quickly and effectively carry out data mining, and provide a verification platform for the aircraft PHM, which is an event of great significance in promoting the integration and engineering realization of aircraft PHM.

    • An Optimal Path Navigation without Goal Direction Requirements for ReedsShepp Car

      2019, 20(1):55-59.

      Abstract (2499) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (1682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that the calculation of the ReedsShepp path is influenced by the final attitude, and can not be used directly in the navigation scene without goal direction requirements, this paper proposes an optimal path navigation scheme of ReedsShepp and the generation rules of control schemes. Its optimal characteristics in various environmental conditions are verified by the simulation. This path can be utilized for designing the navigation scheme, can effectively reduce the driving time and operation cost of the automatic driving vehicle, in one word, can be widely used in the navigation system of automatic driving vehicles such as UGV, UAV, USV and so on, realizing the purpose of driving them along with the optimal path under control

    • >Aerospace Defense
    • Segmental Modeling Threat Assessment of NSHV Based on Bayesian Decision Theory

      2019, 20(1):60-66.

      Abstract (1221) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (1322) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:NSHV has complex motion mode and high dynamic characteristics, and the traditional threat assessment methods applied to NSHV are characterized by some deficiencies in the selection of evaluation and the dynamics of evaluation. The flight path of NSHV is divided into three main flight stages. Through analyzing the movement characteristics of each stage and ability of early warning detection and interception, a multistage NSHV threat assessment model is established based on Bayesian inference and decision theory, the evaluation of each stage is correlated with prior probability, ensuring the continuity in the assessment. Finally, a typical scenario is established for simulation verification, the threat changes reflected by the simulation results conform to the operational characteristics and the observed data. The dynamic reflected at every stage shows that the changes of threat at each observation point are more suitable for the dynamic characteristics of NSHV, and for the commanders in making defensive operational support decisions.

    • Design and Simulation of Periodic Jumping Cruise Trajectory of Hypersonic Vehicle

      2019, 20(1):67-72.

      Abstract (1153) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (1306) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To solve the problem of design and planning of the periodic jumping cruise trajectory for a near space powered hypersonic vehicle(NSPHV), a trajectory simple planning method based on the flight dynamics model and multiple constraints is proposed. Firstly, a dynamic model of NSPHV is established. Secondly, According to the periodic jumping cruise flight characteristics of NSPHV, a guidance flight scheme with altitude as the node constraint and the angle of attack as the control variable is designed. The angle of attack is set as a simple segmented periodic function with respect to the height, and the connection between segment and segment uses a certain angle of attack change rate. We calculate the attack angle by using the direct method. Finally, the simulation gets the result that the jumping cruise trajectory of the NSPHV has a certain periodicity in terms of velocity, flight path angle and altitude. And, the influence of the initial height, the initial velocity and the initial flight path angle are also analyzed. The results show that this is a simple and effective periodic cruise trajectory planning method. Moreover the generated trajectory has a certain degree of stability and is not easily affected by the initial values.

    • >Electronic Information and Communication Navigation
    • Interferometric 3D Imaging for Rotating Targets in LFMCW Radar

      2019, 20(1):73-78.

      Abstract (1170) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (1333) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) radar has many advantages, such as low power consumption, low cost, light in weight and so on. It has a broad prospect of development. Meanwhile, threedimensional (3D) imaging technology of radar can provide important feature information for target recognition. However, the rotating targets will induce the deviation of the range profile and phase changing in FMCW signal, which has an effect on the interferometric 3D imaging. In this paper, the interferometric 3D imaging technique for rotating targets in LFMCW (Linear FMCW) radar is studied. The echo modulation effect and phase chaning caused by rotation is analyzed. The distortion of coordinates caused by echo modulation effect in interferometric 3D imaging is solved. The method of interference 3D imaging processing in LFMCW radar for rotating targets is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves the interferometric 3D imaging results of the rotating targets effectively.

    • IdentityBased Authentication Scheme for Equipment Support Information Network Using LatticedBased Cryptography Theory

      2019, 20(1):79-83.

      Abstract (1478) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (1109) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The current equipment support information network is threatened by the quantum computer. The current identity authentication schemes for equipment support information network cannot resistant quantum computer attack, and the efficiency of these schemes is low. The first identity authentication scheme which is secure under the quantum computer environment for equipment support information network from latticebased new cryptographic assumption is presented. Firstly, the master keys are generated from ideal lattice. Secondly, the authentication key is generated using preimage sampleable functions with the equipment identity information. Thirdly, the authentication information of the equipment is produced by nontrap door sampling technique. The scheme achieves existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen identity and message under the small integer solution assumption. Compared with the traditional schemes such as RSA and ECC authentication schemes, our scheme has higher authentication and verify efficiency at the same level of security.

    • A BandNotch Impedance Transformer Based on Split Rectangular Loop in Low Frequency

      2019, 20(1):84-89.

      Abstract (1404) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (1475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper designs a novel impedance transformer used for low frequency, performing 150 Ω at the input to 50 Ω at the output within the range of 0.1 GHz to 3 GHz. The novel impedance transformer is characterized by bandnotch function through loading the technology of curving split rectangular loop with good resonance. The principle is based on the impedance transmission characteristics of Balun impedance transformer and the resonance characteristics of split rectangular loop. The results indicate that the S12 parameters are below minus 15 dBi and the S11 parameters are above minus 0.5 dBi.And the bandnotch frequency point can be controlled by changing the length and location of the split rectangular loop. The HFSS software is utilized for modeling and optimizing parameters. The results of S parameters and fabricated sample measurements indicate that the design is reasonable. Taking bandnotch impedance transformer as the antennas matching terminal, there is a good prospect in application in the fields of radiation frequency harvest and the matching of extremely wideband antenna arrays.

    • Research on Scattering Section of Surface Quantum Radar Based on Simulation of Spectral Link

      2019, 20(1):90-95.

      Abstract (1511) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (1201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quantum radar can effectively overcome the effects of complex electromagnetic environment and target stealth characteristics based on the characteristics of quantum states to the detection and the recognition of targets. Aimed at the problem that the light quantum is susceptible to medium absorption and scattering while propagating in the atmosphere, a method of simulating atmospheric media using a spectroscopic link is proposed. The scattering cross section of the target quantum radar is studied. By introducing the single photon wave equation and using the optical splitting link to simulate the atmospheric medium, the photon wave function under the attenuation condition is obtained, and the quantum radar scattering cross section formula is deduced under the attenuation condition, and the singlecurved quantum radar cross section under the attenuation condition is simulated. The simulation results show that the peak value of the main lobe of the quantum radar scattering section decreases with the increase of the attenuation coefficient at different incident angles, and the incident angle has no effect on the quantum radar cross section; The peak of the petal for the target quantum radar cross section increases with the wavelength when the temperature is at 0 ℃ and the visibility is 30 meters.

    • A Design of Wireless Communication System Control Terminal Based on STM32

      2019, 20(1):96-102.

      Abstract (1269) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (1239) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of the characteristics of wireless communication and the functional requirements of a certain type of wireless communication system, a control terminal based on STM32 microcontroller is designed. This paper designs a terminal by adopting the modular design method to optimize the manmachine interface of the communication system and by utilizing the rich peripheral devices and the powerful data processing ability of STM32. The terminal has a friendly manmachine interaction mode, and provides a large number of data ports for the communication system, realizing the logical coordination between the modules. Through the experiment, the manmachine interaction, state monitoring and short message sending and receiving functions of the terminal are tested. The test results show that the operating interface of the system is simple and efficient, and the management of the working state monitoring, communication parameter setting, radio frequency data reading and control operation of the wireless communication system is realized. The terminal can detect the running state of the system in real time, and the short message data of the terminal is sent and received normally, and the six communication records can be displayed simultaneously on the control interface. Compared with the same kind of design, this terminal has some improvement and has great practical value for miltary.

    • Indoor Precision Positioning and Mapping Technology for Unmanned Platforms

      2019, 20(1):103-110. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-3516.2019.02.007

      Abstract (1169) HTML (0) PDF 1.54 M (1383) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to realize the hghprecision positioning and map construction for unmanned combat platforms in complex environments, we proposed a precision positioning and mapping method based on monocular visual SLAM with WLAN adided. This method can estimate the scale factor of monocular VSLAM and get the position in real scale space. Furthermore, the result of the WLAN location and the monocular vision positioning is fused by the factor graph model, realizing accurate positioning and sparse mapping. The experiment shows that this method can estimate scale factor well and reach the positioning accuracy of decimeter, and has important engineering and practical significance in applications such as unmanned reconnaissance, search and resue in complex environments.

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