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  • Volume 18,Issue 4,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >Military Aviation
    • An Experiment of Spectral Characteristics on Plasmaassisted Combustion with 3D Rotating Gliding Arc Discharge

      2017, 18(4):1-6.

      Abstract (1380) HTML (0) PDF 1.92 M (1142) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of studying the spectral characteristic laws of plasmaassisted combustion with 3D rotating gliding arc discharge under different jet flow and voltages, three kinds of electrodes (A, B, C) withdifferent geometrical structures are investigated upon its spectral signalsof gliding arc discharge plasma alternating current under atmosphericpressure. The results demonstrate that the vibrational temperaturesbecome higher with increase of jet flow and voltage, that is, vibrational excitation intensity becomes fiercer during discharging. Simultaneously, compared with the gliding arc discharge plasma spectral characteristics of another two electrodes, A with higher vibrational temperature of plasma during discharging is the best one to actuate the plasma. In consideration of factors mentioned above, the influence of flow rates onthe vibrational temperature is the most obvious. The larger the flow rate triggers, and the stronger the relative emission intensity of particles such as OH, O2 and O. For instance, the average emission intensity of O isabout 1 800 a.u.unit under 40 g/min (U0=120), and as the flow increasesto 100 g/min, the average emission intensity of O enlarges to 2 800 a.u.unit.

    • Research on Optimization and the Influence of Regenerative Cooling Structure Parameters on Kerosene Flow and Heat Transfer

      2017, 18(4):7-12.

      Abstract (1250) HTML (0) PDF 2.51 M (985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to reveal the influence of scramjet combustor regenerative cooling structure parameters on flow and heat transfer of aviation kerosene, and realize the optimization of the structure parameters under condition of the fixed total number of cooling channels, this paper researches respectively flow and heat transfer condition of No. 3 aviation kerosene in cooling channel with different inside wall thickness, fin thickness and aspect ratios taking single cooling channel as an object of study. The results show that the cooling effect is improved and the flow pressure loss increases slightly with decrease of the inside wall thickness. The cooling effect is improved and the flow pressure loss increases rapidly with increase of the fin thickness. The cooling effect deteriorates and the flow pressure loss decreases rapidly with increase of height. But the three structure parameters have little effects on the fluid temperature. In addition, the influence mechanism is theoretically analyzed respectively. On this basis, an optimal design of cooling channel is made by goal driven optimization and MOGA in Workbench for the best possible cooling effect and the smallest possible flow pressure loss. The checkout shows that the optimized structure meets the needs of the design pursuit.

    • An Effect of Radial Pressure Configuration on Wave Field and Energy Flow in Helicon Plasma

      2017, 18(4):13-18.

      Abstract (1261) HTML (0) PDF 634.13 K (1090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to construct effective and steady plasma source, and to improve the propulsion efficiency of hydronium storm engine, this paper studies the power coupling mechanism of RF wave in the plasma. Based on the steadystate process of the gas with RF heating after being ionized under condition of the plasma density parabolic distribution, the paper studies the power absorbed from RF wave motivated by Nagoya III. The HELIC program is used to solve four coupled radial differential equations for each kz to obtain the energy absorption, wave field and current density along different direction. After analyzing the effect of the radial pressure configuration on the power deposition wave field and current density in the plasma, the result shows that under condition of the positive pressure gradient, the power deposition near the boundary of the plasma weakens, but the penetration depth of the RF wave increases, The distribution of electric field along different direction increases. Different pressure gradient makes the electric field and current density increase remarkably near the boundary of the plasma.

    • Research on A* AlgorithmBased Dynamic Programming Method for Airport Ground Movement

      2017, 18(4):19-23.

      Abstract (2003) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (1022) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that frequently traffic accidents arise and takeoff delays in large busy airports, this paper studies the taxi path planning method of airport scene at the strategic and tactical level respectively. The paper simplifies the structure of the airport network, combines the taxiway path planning with the departure sequence, and establishes a dynamic optimization model with the shortest and least delay in the overall taxiing of the aircraft. On the basis of the compared the popular airport taxi route planning algorithm, the paper proposes a new scene sliding dynamic programming method and conflict relief strategy based on A* algorithm from the perspective of tactical planning. The simulation results show that this method can quickly and effectively reduce the overall taxiing time of the aircraft and solve the taxi conflict, thus improving the efficiency of the airport scene and the automatic operation of the airport.

    • Improved Joint Domain Localized Method in Airborne MIMO Radar

      2017, 18(4):24-27.

      Abstract (1194) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (1104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that large number of training requirement and computational load influence lead to a decline in effectiveness of clutter suppression in the airborne MIMO radar, this paper presents an improved reduceddimension method by a thinking of dividing operation into local plot. The received data in the antennaspulse domain is firstly transformed to the beamDoppler domain, and then the number of auxiliary channels on both sides of main channels in time domain and space domain is adjusted. in order to reduce the degree of freedom in time domain, the paper enhances the directivity of beam and improves detection performance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can dramatically reduce the computational load and training requirement. The result shows that the system improvement factor of the proposed method has an increase of 3 dB compared to the traditional JDL method under the conditions of errors.

    • An Experimental Investigation on Energy Absorption of Multilayer Sandwich Structures with Metallic Corrugated Cores under Outofplane Compressive Load

      2017, 18(4):28-33.

      Abstract (1162) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (1025) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lightweight and multifunctional design become the urgent needs of our army weapons and equipment. Taking metallic foam and lattice structures as representative, these materials are characterized by ultralight and high energy absorption efficiency. However, core web buckling of metal lattice core and low strength of the metallic foam critically limit their engineering applications. In this paper, multilayer metallic sandwich structures with empty and aluminum foamfilled corrugated cores of three different configurations are obtained by filling aluminum foam into the space of the corrugated cores, and their load carrying and energy absorptioncapabilities are experimentally studied under outofplane compressive load. The results show that the peak compressive strength and specific energy absorption of the foamfilled panels canbe 93 and 218 times as high as those of the empty panels, and even increase by 19% and 20%compared with aluminum foam respectively. The coupling enhancement mechanism indicates that the filling of the aluminum foam transforms the buckling mode of the corrugated core memberinto a highorder one, resulting in a substantial increase in strength and energy absorption efficiency. The excellent performance in load carrying and energy absorption of the novelsandwich structure with hybrid core make it competitive in integrative design of light weightstructures.

    • A Flight Action Recognition Based on Multivariate Time Series Fusion

      2017, 18(4):34-39.

      Abstract (1624) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (1081) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that the randomness and the inconsistent length of flight motion data are not unanimous, this paper proposes a method of reducing the search space of dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm and defining the contribution of different feature parameters. Then the flight action can be recognized by multivariate time series fusion of flight data. The preprocessing of the action data is introduced by combining the pre classification and fine classification, then the improved dynamic time warping (WDTW) algorithm is used to identify the measured data. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional DTW algorithm, the WDTW algorithm reduces the complexity of the algorithm, and a change of the computation time is obvious; Finally, according to the analysis of the nuclear density and the precision coefficient, the recognition accuracy is also improved. The accuracy and innovation of the proposed method are valid.

    • >Electronic Information and Communication Navigation
    • Review of Approaches on Generating Spatially Separated Path Entangled Microwave Signal

      2017, 18(4):40-45.

      Abstract (1862) HTML (0) PDF 1.81 M (1190) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Proceed from promoting the performance of information systems by utilizing the entangled signals for replacing the radio signals, firstly, this paper illuminates the necessity of developing entanglement microwave technologies and reviews the history of generating path entangled microwave signal, and then concludes four available path entangled microwave signal generation setups by utilizing superconducting 180° hybrid ring, Wilkinson power divider, Josephson parametric converter and Hong-Ou-Mandel effect in microwave domain, respectively. On the basis of the detail description of microwave beam splitter used in each setup, from aspects of the experimental facility and the ultimate principle of setups that is available, path entangled microwave signal generation setups are analyzed by means of contrast analysis, and the expression of these signal generated in each setup is stated. At the last part of the paper, there is a concrete analysis about advantages and drawbacks of each setup, and a brief summary about the major limitations of developing entanglement microwave technologies. The paper clearly points out the development prospect. And an outlook about future research of path entangled microwave signal’s generation is stated.

    • Research on Renewing Decision of Military Automatic Test Equipment

      2017, 18(4):53-59.

      Abstract (1075) HTML (0) PDF 693.93 K (993) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To save the developing and whole lifetime using cost of automatic test equipment, and attain the highest costeffectiveness ratio, from the perspective of the whole test support system, a model is established for military automatic test equipment renewal based on mixed integer linear programming, which is grounded on analysis of unit under test demand, cost of automatic test equipment and lifetime of equipment on active service into consideration. According to the needs of a certain military plane in the test, this paper analyzes the renewing decision problem under different baseline costs. Compared the influence on the sensitivities of a variety of factors from the renewed outcomes, the outcomes of different lifetimes setting are also acquired. The outcomes show that 5 to 7 times of baseline cost are the critical renewing points of corresponding test equipment of 98% the number of units under test, the renewing decision is mostly effected by transplanting cost, and the outcome of renewing decision is obviously affected by prolonging the lifetime of new equipment to 20 years.

    • Multicomponent LFM Signal Separation Based on kFB Series Expansion

      2017, 18(4):60-65.

      Abstract (1131) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (1108) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that parameters are very difficult to be estimated and multi-component LFM signals are difficult to be separated by using the FourierBessel transform (FBT) algorithm, a new method based onk resolution FB (k -FB) series in conjunction with the Dechirp technique is proposed. The k resolution is introduced into the FB series, and the relationship between the frequency content and the order of k -FB series is derived. Meanwhile, the positive correlation between the kresolution and the estimation precision is proved. With the Dechirp technique and the kFB series expansion, multicomponent signal separation and parameter estimation are both realized. The performance of the signal separation precision under various SNR conditions with different kresolution and signal power ratios is simulated. Moreover, a performance comparison between the proposed method and the traditional fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) based method is also provided. The simulation results show that the method is valid.

    • A Scheme Design and Analysis of Hyperbolic Positioning with Twomode Squeezing Light

      2017, 18(4):66-72.

      Abstract (1230) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (1037) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that the hyperbola positioning measure of adopting radio signal is limited by signal power or bandwidth, its positioning precision exists in hardly going beyond a ceiling and is susceptible to interference, insufficient measure distance and so on are becoming more obvious, the limitation of traditional radio signal system adopted by using quantum entanglement signals as measuring signals can greatly improve the precision and confidentiality. In this way, quantum positioning can be realized with advantages of ultraprecision, long range and strong antiinterference as well as noise resistance. According to that, a hyperbola positioning scheme based on twomode squeezed light and Bell state direct measurement is proposed. Twomode squeezed light is used as transmitting signals and in target receiving terminal Bell state direct measurement system is used to check two paths of entangled light and delay one of them. Then, the correlated noise of quadrature component is extracted and the delay time when the correlated noise value comes to the minimum can be seen as the moment of complete quantum correlation between two paths of light, which is the time difference of wave arrival between the two paths of entangled light. By measuring the time difference, the distance difference can be calculated to obtain a group of hyperbola. In this way, another two base points are chosen to repeat the process above to get the second hyperbola so as to conducting the positioning. By theoretical calculation and simulation analysis under some given conditions, the theoretical positioning precision and error range can be achieved.

    • A New SVM Spectrum Sensing Strategy Based on Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks

      2017, 18(4):73-78.

      Abstract (1069) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (980) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper explains the feasibility of applying support vector machine based on cognitive wireless sensor network. Under condition of the wireless environment of low SNR and complex noise, aimed at the problems that single identification method fails to reach relatively accurate results, based on Hidden Markov Model, HMM, this paper optimizes the traditional spectrum sensing algorithm of SVM by adopting multiple classifiers ensemble to reduce identification error and strengthen identification robustness, and by adopting least square method to turn linear inequality constraints into linear constraints so as to get optimal hyperplane to distinguish primary signal from noise and then decide primary user state. Finally, its performance is compared with traditional energy detecting algorithm. The simulation results show that the spectrum sensing performance based on SVM is closer to the theoretical value, is more reliable and accurate than that of the energy detection, the error rate is 16%, the detection probability is 18 percent higher than the energy detection under condition of low SNR, and has more favorable detection performance and robustness.

    • Optimized Algorithm about Supporting Multiservice of Opportunistic Routing in Spacebased Mesh Network

      2017, 18(4):79-85.

      Abstract (1319) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (1068) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problems that Mesh network services are various and calculation ability is insufficient in Spacebased backbone Mesh network congestion control is not sufficient, acknowledgement is unreliable and the requirement of QoS guarantee in the SOAR algorithm are different service, this paper proposes a new opportunistic routing algorithm with reliable joint acknowledge and supporting multiservice. The algorithm defined expected successful transmission count to describe the integral state of links and effectively took the load balancing and link congestion control into consideration. The new algorithm designed an adaptive route selection to achieve the selfadaptation control between route selection and diversified services. The simulation results show that the algorithm in the paper has better preference in adaptively selecting the best transmission path according to the difference of service. What’s more, the performance of the algorithm is better in the transmission delay, the throughput and the throughput rate than the SOAR routing algorithm

    • A Method for Adaptive Optimization of Platform Resource Scheduling in Uncertain Battlefield Environment Based on Cloud Genetic Algorithm

      2017, 18(4):86-92.

      Abstract (1210) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (1039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the problem that the uncertain factors exert an influence on platform resource scheduling scheme in the battlefield environment, a platform resource scheduling adaptive optimization method for uncertain events is proposed. In consideration of the uncertainties of both platform loss and task processing time, a mathematical model of adaptive optimization problem of platform resource scheduling with maximum task execution efficiency as objective function is established, According to the uncertainty of the event on the platform resource capacity or task attributes to determine whether to trigger the adaptive optimization of scheduling, a method of solving the problem based on cloud genetic algorithm is designed. The simulation results show that a better relation between platform and task is obtained by using cloud genetic algorithm and the mission completion time is shorten.

    • Extraction of WeaponTarget Assignment in Air Defense with Improved Genetic Algorithm

      2017, 18(4):93-98.

      Abstract (1301) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (946) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Weapon-Target Assignment problem is the key of air defense command and control. Aimed at the problems that precocity and slow convergence exist in the WTA in air defense, an improved genetic algorithm is proposed. The membership and nonmembership functions are defined for both object and constrain function by importing the theory of intuitional fuzzy sets, and then an intuitional fuzzy WTA model is established on the basis of the “minmax” operator. In the light of constant mutation probability and lack good father individuals in progeny population, a strategy of MetaLamarckian learning for simulated annealing and the adaptive mutation is designed to improve genetic algorithm. The method is effective in solving air defense WTA problem compared with the other algorithms.

    • Study on Antimultipath Method of Superlow Altitude Missile Target under Diverse Battlefield Environments

      2017, 18(4):99-104.

      Abstract (1115) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Multipath interference is a main factor of having influence on detection in super-low altitude. Antimultipath methods under condition of diverse battlefield environments are studied. By the hybrid method PO+MEC of Physical Optics (PO) and Method of Equivalent Currents (MEC), this paper calculates the electromagnetic scattering characteristic of missile target. Antenna radiation pattern of seeker is introduced to modify traditional Four Path Method (FPM). The multipath interference of super-low altitude missile target under diverse battlefield is extracted. The simulation results show that the different battlefield has corresponding Brewster angle. The Brewster angles of concrete, dry land, half-dry land and wet land environment are 30°, 26.5°, 21.5°and 10.5°respectively. When seeker of air-defense missile takes the VV polarization mode with the Brewster angle to detect super-low altitude missile target, multipath interference reaches minimum level, and the signal to interference radio reaches maximum level. At this moment, the seeker has the best detection capability to super-low altitude missile target and the target echo is the most obvious.

    • >Ordnance Engineering
    • Locality of Optimal Ternary Codes of Dimension Five

      2017, 18(4):105-111.

      Abstract (1058) HTML (0) PDF 469.17 K (952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Any codeword symbol in a Locally Repairable Code can be denoted as linear combination of other symbols. In a distributed storage system with locally repairable codes, any node failure can be rebuilt by accessing other fixed nodes. In this paper, some methods of constructing matrices which can generate codes with small locality are proposed. And by analyzing the parameters of the optimal codes, this paper constructs the generator matrices of 5-dimentional optimal codes, by using techniques such as shortening, puncturing, adding or deleting column vectors. By analyzing the linear relationship between the column vectors of the generator matrices, the locality of the codes generated is found out. Many codes with small locality are to be found, which have a potential application prospect.

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