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  • Volume 0,Issue 4,2010 Table of Contents
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    • Model Driven Design Method for Open Architecture Store Management System


      Abstract (862) HTML (0) PDF 725.61 K (1247) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Open architecture store management system is a developing direction of the future airborne weapon system. The motivation of the open architecture SMS is to separate weapon realization from weapon design and to realize loose coupling in weapon integration. A model driven design method for open architecture SMS is presented. In this system, a platform independent model is designed by using UML and platform specific model is designed by using AADL. Some key techniques, such as UML profile for UML model to AADL model transform method etc., are explained in detail. By taking the weapon management computer design for example, the designing flow of the system is provided. Experimental results show that the use of the developing method of the model driven architecture can provide a general solution for the design of the open architecture SMS and achieve the separation of weapon design from the weapon realization.

    • Research on SVM-based Predicting Method on Calendar Life Extension of Airborne Products


      Abstract (786) HTML (0) PDF 688.10 K (1140) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper an influencing factor system of airborne products is established based on a comprehensive consideration of factors like geography, climate, service situation and maintenance level. SVM regression analysis model and forecasting model of airborne products based on SVM are introduced. Then a life prediction model based on SVM is built according to the failure rate data of an airborne product equipped in some representative conditions. It can predict the service life of the product by finding out the relationship between the failure rate and the influencing factors, accordingly it can make up the localization of outfield data statistical method. A case shown in this paper presents the life forecasting process of before-mentioned method and the result indicates that this method is of some value for practical application.

    • Fault Prognosis Parameters Selection and Setting in Electronic Equipment


      Abstract (900) HTML (0) PDF 654.63 K (1270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fault prognosis is the key technique of PHM(Prognostic and Health Management). Aimed at the difficult problems of parameters selection and setting in fault prognosis of electronic equipment, the paper proposes a new method of parameters selection and setting in fault prognosis. Firstly, the parameter set which can reflect fault state of electronic equipment is extracted by using the multi-signal flow graphs model. By introducing the relative risk of biostatistics, the optimized parameters of fault prognosis are selected by using the data-driven method. The prognostic parameter threshold in the confidence level of 95% is got by building statistical model trend graph. The experiment validates that the optimized prognostic parameters can be quickly and effectively selected and set by the proposed method. Simultaneously the complicated analyses of fault mode, fault state, fault diagnosing bases and the influence pf subjective factors are avoided.

    • Modeling and Simulation for the Model of Horizontal Collision Avoidance in TCAS


      Abstract (924) HTML (0) PDF 692.38 K (1647) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to research on the function of horizontal collision avoidance of TCAS Ⅳ, which is the next generation of Traffic alert Collision Avoidance System, the models for horizontal conflict detection and collision avoidance are established by using the method of projected horizontal relative distance. The calculating formulae for the projected horizontal miss distance and reserved time to the closet point of approach are derived from the model according to the Galilean principle of relativity. The modeling approach and simulation system for the model are illuminated. The test scheme for the function of horizontal collision avoidance model is provided. The simulation result shows that the model can be used to select reasonable horizontal maneuver measures and indicate the degrees to turn right or left to avoid midair collision.

    • Research on Takeoff Capacity Calculation Model of Independent Runway


      Abstract (941) HTML (0) PDF 619.23 K (1711) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The determination of runway capacity is the warrant of confirming the time of constructing new runways in one airfield. This paper defines the concept of takeoff capacity of the independent runway, analyzes the various factors influencing the takeoff capacity and sets up a computation model as a representative of normal distribution problem. This paper still sets up the takeoff capacity calculation model of independent runway and classifies it in theory according to the speed relation of the takeoff aircraft and airway controlled rule, then brings forward the method of fixing on the takeoff capacity. In the calculation model many influence factors such as runway occupancy time, space demand of takeoff aircraft, ATC regulation, wind speed, the length of takeoff commonality district are considered comprehensively. The calculation of the actual takeoff capacity is done with the data of some airport, which verifies the practicability and feasibility of this calculation model.

    • The System Design of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Imaging LADAR


      Abstract (819) HTML (0) PDF 654.11 K (2366) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The range resolution of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is limited by the bandwidth of signal. Therefore, ISAR cannot supply high enough imaging resolution for long distance targets, small targets, and so on. A new radar system which is called inverse synthetic aperture imaging laser radar (ISAIL) is proposed in this paper. The use of ISAIL can realize real time and high resolution imaging for moving target with the laser signal's large bandwidth and short wavelength. In this paper, the imaging theory of ISAIL is analyzed, the characters of laser signal and moving target are researched, and the system design project is proposed. Simulation shows that the images achieved by this ISAIL are of higher quality and within shorter time than those achieved by ISAR.

    • Progress of State Estimate and Control of Stochastic Jump System


      Abstract (951) HTML (0) PDF 600.59 K (2512) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The main theoretical and applicational results on state estimate and control theories of stochastic jump system are reviewed since it proposed, especially the last two decades.Firstly, the development status of the estimation theory of stochastic jump system (SJS) and its applications are presented on two main aspects, which are system variables estimation and system model estimation. Secondly, the applications of the lyapunov stability theory and compare theory in the research of the stabilization of SJS are concluded. Finally, the control theories of the SJS are summarized mainly on optimal control, robust control and fault-tolerant control. For the trend of recent study, The paper points out that the state estimate and control of non-gauss, nonlinear stochastic jump system and applications on offence & defence in military operations and network control will be the focus and difficulty of the afterward study in this area.

    • Maneuvering Targets Tracking in the Bistatic Forward Scattering Radar


      Abstract (856) HTML (0) PDF 686.25 K (1327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the characteristic that the Bistatic forward scattering radars are superior to the monostatic radars in effectively detecting and tracking the small radar cross section (RCS) targets, non-variable acceleration and variable acceleration motion models are constructed. The Extended Kalman Filter algorithm is applied to keeping targets in track, the parameters (trace of the target, velocity and acceleration of the targets) of the moving targets are accurately estimated which establish the foundation for radar imaging and identification. By applying Gauss-Newton iterative algorithm, the efficiency and accuracy of the filtering results are improved. The models proposed and the effectiveness of the algorithms are verified by simulating the non-variable and variable acceleration motion targets.

    • Optimizing Layout of the Universal Missile Fixation Platform Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm


      Abstract (810) HTML (0) PDF 640.71 K (1226) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to realize the universal support of missile transportation, a new universal missile fixation platform which can be installed on the deputy-frame of the military go-anywhere vehicle is designed to enhance the transportation ability of missile equipments. Because the layout of the fixation mechanisms on the platform directly decides the clearance distribution of the storage and transportation boxes, the space requirement and choice of the chassis, it is necessary to optimize the layout of the fixation platform. The optimized results should meet the need that the area where the fixation mechanisms layout covers should be reduced to the minimum, so as to decrease the space requirement and choice difficulty of chassis. A new Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is put forward to solve the problem. Based on the basic PSO whose inertial weight has been improved, the Simulated Annealing idea is introduced into optimizing the global-best solution that is the result of every iteration sub-step of PSO. The simulation results show that, compared with the basic PSO, the HPSO is superior in searching ability, precision, convergence and optimal results. The paper proves that the HPSO can solve the optimizing layout problem of universal missile fixation platform well.

    • The Method of Rule Fusion Based on Evidence Theory and Its Application


      Abstract (839) HTML (0) PDF 611.49 K (1184) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering the limitation of the existing methods and the problems to arise when evidence theory is introduced to rule fusion, a method of fusing the decisions of multi-reduction sets based on evidence theory is proposed, the concrete procedures of the method are described and the application analysis of the method is done on the aero-engine fault diagnosis samples. The result shows that by using the method the problems of reluctant decision of single reduction set, of the instability of identification-rate between all the reduction sets and of the high conflict of the single attribute decision are eluded. This provides a scientific decision foundation theoretically for aero-engine fault diagnosis. The dominance of the method is summarized in the conclusion.

    • Incoherent Beam Combining Technologies for Fiber Laser Arrays


      Abstract (827) HTML (0) PDF 712.77 K (1488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Laser beam combining is, at present, a worldwide hot spot of research in the field of laser technology. It is an effective approach to scale laser output power and brightness greatly by combining some individual laser beams into one beam for output. The incoherent beam combining of fiber laser arrays features of simple configuration and is easy to control. The research on it has been developed rapidly in recent years and the combined output power has already reached the order of kilowatt level. Recent progress of incoherent beam combining of fiber laser arrays is reviewed. The fundamental principles of various types of combining scheme, including the incoherent beam combining with outer cavity, the incoherent beam combining based on PTR Bragg grating and the incoherent beam combining using adaptive optics, are presented. From both aspects of scheme's configuration and practical application, the advantages and disadvantages of these schemes are analyzed and compared. Since single-mode laser is less affected by atmospheric conditions and propagates more far than multi-mode laser, the incoherent beam combining scheme based on adaptive optics is more suited to be used as the light source of directed energy system. Finally, some key problems blocking the combined output power scaling to the order of 100kW level are pointed out, which involve increasing the output power of individual fiber laser, settling the distortion of combining element under high power and designing and optimizing the combining scheme of more beams.

    • Simulation Design and Experimention Research on A New Type of Pulsed Magnetic Flux Leakage Sensor


      Abstract (903) HTML (0) PDF 692.95 K (1206) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the course of testing the insulated pipeline, because of the insulation of the insulating layer, the magnetic field generated by the traditional electromagnetic nondestructive testing technique will be badly attenuated when diffusing to the surface of pipeline. So detecting the corrosion in the insulated pipeline is a crux in nondestructive testing (NDT). Pulsed magnetic flux leakage (PMFL) technique is adopted to detect the corrosion in the insulated pipeline because it combines the advantages of richness frequency components of pulsed eddy current testing and the superiority of the magnetic flux leakage technique adapted to the inspection ferromagnetic pipeline together. Based on analyzing the principle of PMFL and by using finite element method, the distribution of magnetic field along the pipeline surface and pipeline wall, and the detection abilities of four different sensor models to the insulated layers in different thickness are studied. The result of simulation shows that the model with the core in both sides of the exciting coil has a better testing ability. Finally, the performances of this sensor are investigated by experiment; the result shows that this sensor can be used to perform quantitative detection of corrosion depth.

    • The Performance Comparison of Space-Time Adaptive Processing Algorithms Based on Mountaintop Data


      Abstract (1022) HTML (0) PDF 820.48 K (1418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The weight computation is the most intensive computational part of the space-time adaptive processing (STAP). The traditional sample matrix inverse (SMI) algorithm has a poor numerical stability due to that the dynamic range of the space -time snapshots is great, relatively speaking, the QR decomposition based SMI (QRD-SMI) algorithm has a better numerical characteristic and parallelism, which may suit for this condition. For the purpose of real time implementation of STAP, the performance comparison of STAP with two weight computational algorithms is presented. The test results show that both algorithms have satisfactory performances in resisting clutter and jamming, the traditional SMI algorithm has a better performance in clutter rejection, but QRD-SMI algorithm shows a stronger robustness to the effect of target self-nulling. Through comparing the above two algorithms in algorithm performances, numerical characteristics and parallelism in a comprehensive way, the QRD-SMI algorithm is more suitable for real time implementation of STAP.

    • Multi-swarm Delaminated Cooperation Genetic Algorithm based MIMO Radar Polyphase Code Design


      Abstract (809) HTML (0) PDF 712.47 K (1265) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The polyphase code signals win popularity and attention for its big output main -side ratio and high security, the cost function of the MIMO radar polyphase code optimization is set up based on auto-correlation sidelobe peak, cross correlation peak, the total auto-correlation sidelobe energy and the total cross correlation energy. Then, based on the idea of the multi-swarm cooperation and the high level swarm's high effective decision, the normal particle is utilized to search in optimize space, and the high level particles lead the swarm convergence to the global best solution more quickly. As a result, a new algorithm called Multi-swarm delaminated cooperation Genetic Algorithm is proposed and applied to the MIMO radar polyphase code design, which enables the MIMO radar signals to own high resolutions in both distance and velocity measurements, the computational simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effective and reliable.

    • An Updating Decoding Algorithm of Non-binary LDPC Codes


      Abstract (1116) HTML (0) PDF 689.83 K (2133) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents an improved decoding algorithm of non-binary LDPC codes based on the Expanded Min-Sum algorithm, analyzes the complexity of the algorithm in decoding efficiency. According to the fact that the reliability of variable note is increased with the increase of the iterative number, the reliability of the variable notes is estimated by the maximum post probability of variable notes and illegal parity-check values. By the estimation rule, the iterative calculations or some variable notes are stopped, the number of calculation for updating variable and parity-check notes is reduced, thus the decoding complexity is decreased and the decoding efficiency is improved. A simulation is made using regular non-binary LDPC codes under White Gaussian Noise channel based on GF(4), the result shows that the performance decreases by about 0.05 dB when BER(Bit Error Rate) is ,but the decoding complexity is reduced and the decoding efficiency is improved significantly.

    • General Systems' Yoyo Structure and Its Application in Scientific Mind


      Abstract (813) HTML (0) PDF 626.36 K (1042) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of[1], this paper presents some of the applications of the yoyo model of general systems in areas of social science. Especially,in the research of scientific mind by making use of the yoyo model and its field structure and the dishpan experiment, we study the basic existence and their working mechanism of the four human endowments: self-awareness, imagination, conscience, and free will. At the theoretical height, we resolve the problem of how to establish motivation and self-confidence for a person to achieve high in life. This end has been a very important problem in the research of pedagogy.

    • A Heuristic Algorithm for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Job Splitting Property


      Abstract (856) HTML (0) PDF 608.11 K (1342) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An identical parallel machine scheduling problem with job splitting to minimize makespan is studied to decrease the completion time of the job. In this problem, each job can be split into sections, which can be processed in parallel on different machines. There is at most one part of each job on a machine. Different from researches in the scheduling literatures, there is a restriction for the split, i.e. the size of each split section cannot be smaller than a given value and the splitting actions should be kept as less as possible in the number of times. For this NP-hard problem, a heuristic algorithm is developed based on the LPT algorithm. Using the algorithm, job is split and assigned automatically. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through a number of numerical instances. The results show that the algorithm is feasible and fine in stability. This algorithm can be applied to solving parallel machine scheduling problem,in which the split has the similar restriction.

    • Real-time Control Algorithm Based on Internal Model Control with Model Prediction


      Abstract (831) HTML (0) PDF 714.83 K (1633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The algorithm with less computation and combining the model predictive control with the internal model control is suitable for the non-constant real-time control of SISO system , which has high requirements in time-delay phenomenon, external disturbance and load parameter uncertainty. The system stability conditions, steady-state control error of the algorithm are analyzed theoretically. In the inverter power control system, the robustness and load disturbance rejection of the algorithm are studied. The simulation result shows that the use of the control algorithm can overcome the external disturbance and the load parameter uncertainty,and the control system can achieve good robustness, high steady-state accuracy, fast dynamic performance.

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