LI Ying-hong , WU Yun , SONG Hui-min , ZHANG Pu , WEI Feng-ting
Abstract:Elementary atmosphere plasma flow control experiment is performed. Atmosphere plasma is generated on the surface of plasma actuator and the phenomenon of asymmetric plasma actuator inducing boundary layer to accelerate is verified. It is found that in the case of laying a symmetric actuator and an asymmetric actuator in bridge and vertically, the acceleration phenomenon of boundary layer on the surface of asymmetric actuator will disappear and a vortex motion of boundary layer on the surface of symmetric actuator will arise. The effectiveness of using plasma actuation to suppress airfoil stall separation is verified.
Abstract:This paper improves the polar axis rolling method, and then builds the static drift error model of dynamically turned flexible gyro used in SINS based on it. Simulation and experiment results show that the improved test method can be used to calculate more parameters, and is more insensitive to abnormal sample data, more accurate and practical than the traditional one
GOU Zhong-qiu , SONG Bi-feng , LI Wei-ji
Abstract:Current multi-objective genetic algorithms usually can only attain part of the whole pareto front, at the same time, because of the worse local searching ability, the convergence speed is slow. In order to overcome these disadvantages, an updated multi-objective genetic algorithm is proposed in this paper. The updated algorithm not only integrates the merits of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) and the Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm (VEGA), but also has a local searching operator which constructs the searching direction by using the previous population's information, so it can effectively expand the scope of non-inferior solutions and improve the convergence speed. Using the updated algorithm, this paper succeeds in optimizing a large unmanned aircraft wing structure. The result indicates that the new algorithm can rapidly acquire uniform non-inferior solutions and prove the superiority of the algorithm.
JIANG yong-jian , HE Li-ming , LI Ming-kui , JIN Tao , YUAN Quan
Abstract:In order to gain the wall temperature and cooling efficiency distribution characteristics of the maze composition structure in the combustor, a three-dimensional numerical model is employed for its flow field and temperature distribution compared with that of the prototype. The results show that the composition structure works better in cooling efficiency, flow field and temperature distribution. Thus it provides beneficial references to the design of the maze composition structure and the experimental investigation in its cooling performance.
YANG Xiao-sen , SHEN Yan-liang , CAI Jun , ZHANG Jian-bang , LI Xiao-yong
Abstract:Aimed at the reconstructed soft tube for the main circuit of hydraulic pump energy system, a pump supply-oil calculating model is established, and then a pressure pulsating model is built with the help of the resistance regulated method. The difference between the former system without soft tube and the new system is analyzed, this shows that the advantage of reconstruction for the system is obvious, and it is valid for eliminating the overshoot pressure. The results verify that the method mentioned above is valid and feasible. And simultaneously some other methods are presented in this paper also.
YANG Xiao-peng , YAO Kun , SHI Hao-shan
Abstract:This paper proposes a simulation structure for aeronautical wideband frequency - selective channel, which features ground - air and air - air wireless links. With appropriate channel parameters, the channel emulators of the parking, taxi and en-route states can be modeled in frequency domain. The wideband frequency-selective channel consists of some parallel sub-channels in frequency domain, which are assumed to be independent to each other and have Rayleigh - distributed envelopes. The sub-channel models and emulators are based on a simple structure and characterized by flat fading. Through such decomposition approach, a frequency domain frequency - selective channel model can be achieved, which is suitable for an implementation of orthogonal frequency - division multiplexing (OFDM) or multi-carrier code - division multi-access channel emulator.
Abstract:The article introduces a self-developed Wide Audio-frequency Driving Vibration Loading system. Composite samples with artificial defects are inspected and validated by using DSSPI with the loading system. The experimental results show that the system is effective and has advantages of fast, continuum, non-contact. Thus it is suitable for outfield original state inspections with loading of aeroplane structure components.
ZHANG Qiang , LEI Hu-min,ZHANG Wu-sen
Abstract:This paper presents an optimal midcourse law using ELMAN neural network for midcourse phase of long-range missile. The study and simulation results show that this guidance law cooperated with others terminal guidance law can increase the performance of missile in intercepting maneuvering target.
ZHANG Peng , HUANG Jin , GUO Chen-jiang , XU Jia-dong
Abstract:A method of the natural scenes simulation of SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is discussed. The imaging fundamentals of SAR are expatiated, model of the complex natural scenes is established and the characteristic of SAR images is showed. The echo signal of SAR is given and the simulation imaging is finished.
ZHU Yong-wen , WANG Li-hui,LOU Shou-chun
Abstract:On the premise of analysis of the factors that influence the accuracy of position fixing, an error model of the azimuth and elevation measurement is built up by Taylor launch. The calculated example in simulation shows that the established error margin model tallies with the actual situation.
YANG Bao-qiang , ZHANG Xiong , LEI Wen-tai
Abstract:The radiation characteristics and expression method of linear-array under the excitation of ultra-wide band (UWB) impulse signal are analyzed in this paper. Through detailed analysis, it is shown that the azimuth resolution can be enhanced through adjusting the weight coefficients of the elements and the spaces between the elements of the linear-array without altering the array length. Finally, the result of the simulation is presented.
HUANG Ze-gui , TONG Chuang-ming , HU Guo-ping , WANG Ji-qin
Abstract:To investigate the backscattering enhancement effect of fractal rough surface, the method of moment associated with the tapering incident wave is adopted. The matching problem of the tapering parameter and the fractal rough surface length with different incident angles is studied. The angular width of backscattering enhancement and the amplitudes of enhancement under various fractal dimensional numbers and rough surface models are analyzed by using this method. The results show that this method is valid.
Abstract:Design of multi-channel data transmission system on ΓОСТ18977 and ARINC429 bus based pm FPGA is realized in this paper. Transmission rate unifying, data receiving and sending synchronizing, and serial - parallel converting are solved in the system. The system mentioned in the paper can trustworthily receive and send data in eight mutually independent channels in real time, which is very useful and importantly.
Abstract:A novel image fusion algorithm is proposed based on EM algorithm. This method infers the iterative process of real scene to fusion images according to EM algorithm based on multi-image model. Varieties of methods, such as Laplace Pyramids, wavelet and gradient pyramids, are discussed and compared with EM algorithm. The digital imitation results show that the robustness of the method is quite good even when fusing the seriously polluted image.
Abstract:To improve the safety of key in information transmitting system, an individuation encryption approach based on existing information hiding system is designed and implementing steps are presented. The experiment result proves that both the security of key system and the performance of information hiding system have been improved after using this technology.
XU Chun , LI Tao , LIU Sun-jun , YANG Pin , LIU Nian , ZHANG Jian-hua
Abstract:Sets of self, non-self, antigen, antibody and immune cell are defined. Method of the appetency calculation is improved. An idiographic dynamic clonal selection algorithm is put forward based on controllable - aberrance and random - aberrance. An intrusion detection system (IDS) model based on the idiographic immune algorithm is designed and realized. Emulative experiment shows that the idiographic immune algorithm is effective in improving the self - adaptability of IDS.
Abstract:Chaotic secure communication has been a hot topic of the research in communication field recently. Chaotic synchronization is a basis of realizing chaotic communication. The effect of the parameter mismatch degree on the chaotic synchronization in the Chua's circuits is discussed in this paper. The results of this study are that the mismatch degrees of different parameters have different effects on the chaotic synchronization. This is of great use in practice, so different precision elements can be selected according to the effect of the parameter mismatch degree on the chaotic synchronization.
Abstract:Based on analyzing the relationship between domains of Visual Prolog and data types of C language, calling conventions of predicates and functions are discussed, a way to program with Visual Prolog and Visual C++ is presented, and a code example for this method is demonstrated in detail.
Abstract:A full automatic segmentation of video object and tracking scheme based on edge features is proposed in this paper. First of all, change detection and Canny edge detection are applied to get accurate difference edge mask of the inter frame. On the basis of difference edge mask and current edge mask, a binary edge model of the video object is initialized. It is then tracked and updated throughout the sequence to accommodate rotation and changes in shape of the tracked object. At last, these binary models are used to guide the actual video object plane (VOP) extraction by a two-step filling technique. The algorithm is robust to the entire motion and local deformation of object. Experiment results and object evaluation demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is computationally efficient and accurate.
GENG Fang-zhi , CHANG Guang-cai , TONG Chuang-ming , WANG Guang-ming , XIA Dong-yu , DENG Fa-sheng
Abstract:The scattering prediction of 3D objects are often treated with EFE - MOM, where the basis function is one of the most important factors affecting the accuracy and efficiency of the method. Double liner quadrangles are used to model the surface of scattering object, a new kind of hybrid basis function based on this quadrangle is presented in this paper, and the RCS is calculated by using this method. The singular integral problems are found in this process, so the main work of this paper is to solve this singular problem. The final result indicates that the method used in this process is correct and efficient.
YANG Shou-guo , ZHANG Zhen-quan , XU Yan-hong
Abstract:The usual decoding method of RS code is based on frequency - domain. In this paper, an algorithm based on time-domain and its accelerated algorithm for RS decoding are introduced and analyzed. At the same time, the simulation experiments are done according to the high-speed calculation performance of the AVR micro-controller. The experiment shows that the accelerated algorithm is much more efficient than the former. Finally, the performances of the two algorithms are compared based on the experimental results.
Abstract:This paper introduces the design of a data acquisition device based on USB2.0 interface, and uses this device as a signal generating / acquisition equipment to develop the virtual instruments like oscillograph and frequency spectrum analyzer. The powerful compute and control ability of computer can help the testing system to face user interface, bus interface and data processing.
Abstract:This paper discusses the formula and parameter in short-wave link electromagnetism calculation. Then, the practicable frequency for A - B city link in July is forecasted. Lastly ITS short-wave plan software is applied to the forecast of the practicable frequency and to the evaluation of the link capability for A - B city in July.
KOU Guang-xing , LI Bing-jie , ZHAO Hui-wen
Abstract:The conceptions called optimal equilibrium payment and optimal equilibrium solution for many-person differential games are introduced. The optimal equilibrium solutions set is a connected convex set consisting of the Pareto optimal solutions in a certain convex condition. This result proves that the optimal solutions of games problem are equivalent to the solutions of single object optimal control problem. The optimal strategies of games problem under different weights can also be obtained by means of this algorithm. This algorithm gives a simple and new way to solve the many-person cooperative differential games.
LI Ying-lu , LEI Lei , MA Run-nian
Abstract:Under some assumptions, a discrete - time epidemic model is established. By means of theory of differential equation, the ultimate states of the susceptible and the infective are obtained, and the varying tendency of the number of the infective and the corresponding threshold condition are found.
CHEN Yan , XIN Xiao-long , LIN Xi
Abstract:The period distribution of q - ary BCH codes is studied by some important theory functions and cyclotomic coset, and the number of non-periodic equivalence classes of q - ary BCH codes with design 5 is given. The research results of Fu Fangwei and Shen Shiyi in literature \[1\] are generalized.
Abstract:In this paper, several lemmas in \[3\] are improved, the method used in \[2\] and \[3\]is generalized, the complete description of all the possibility of self-adjoint area is given, and the limitation on the equal condition of defect index at the both ends in text \[4\] is reduced, thus making the analytic description of selfadjoint differential operators at the both strange ends solved completely.
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