ZHOU Rui-xiang , SU Xin-bing,SHEN Yan-liang , WANG Jian-ping
Abstract:In this paper, based on the traditional passive accumulator, a new on - line control method is presented according to the pressure transient of the airplane fuel pipeline connected with No. 5 reservoir. The dynamic characteristic equations are analyzed, the controllable parameters and the corresponding optimal control scheme are determined.
WU Hou-jun , LUO Guai-lin , LIU Ze , ZHENG Guo-lei
Abstract:This paper discusses the application of CAD / CAE integrated design to the fuselage airproof main frame, builds up a CAD structure model and a FEA model. Simultaneously all the main parameters are determined according to the environment of fuselage airproof main frame and the design requirements in analyzing the rigidity and strength. The structural strength and flexural rigidity of the fuselage main frame are computed and verified by CAE system software and the results are analyzed.
WU Wei , HUI Xiao-bin , SHEN Jian-ming , ZHANG Feng-ming
Abstract:The progress risk research in identifying and estimating of major model projects is described first, then a method of progress risk analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation is provided and a case study is presented in detail to illustrate the total process of the method.
Abstract:The sustained load tensile test is done to evaluate the delayed fracture resistance of both class 13.9 ADF1 steel bolts with DAC treatment and class 10.9 42CrMo steel bolts with phosphate treatment in air and in 3.5% NaCI solution. The fracture surfaces are examined with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the delayed fracture strength of class 13.9 bolts is higher than that of class 10.9 bolts and its fractured appearance exhibits a mixed mode failure process and transition from trans-granular feature in air, and both inter-granular fracture and trans-granular fracture in 3.5% NaCI solution.
XIAO Ming-qing , CHENG Jin-jun
Abstract:In this paper, the important effect on reliability and maintainability of DFT (Design For Testability) of weaponry is discussed , the necessity of appointing the general test engineer in the course of weapon development is expatiated and the task of the general test engineer is presented.
ZHANG Jie-qiu , HAN Feng-yan , FENG Da-yi , CHEN Yan-pu , LIANG Chang-hong
Abstract:A formula of synthetic errors is obtained from analysis of effect of synchronous error and quantification noise on the measurement precision of the electrical parameters in extracting an effective value and active power by using a weighted algorithm. The results demonstrate that the measurement errors caused by asynchronous sampling decrease rapidly even to a secondary factor, and the quantification errors may become a key factor of errors with the increase of the order number of the weighted function used. The measurement errors of the electrical parameters caused by quantification noise of data are in direct proportion to the precision of quantification and in inverse proportion to the square root of the number of the sampling points. The measurement errors caused by data quantification can be decreased by increasing the number of quantification bits of the data or the number of sampling points.
YANG Jun , MA Xiao-yan , WAN Shan-hu , JIANG Jing
Abstract:First an proximate expression of Gauss type function integral is deduced with proper accuracy, and then a scheme based on modified radial basis function (RBF) neural networks is proposed. The numerical experiments indicate that the proposed scheme has a higher proximate accuracy.
ZHAO Ran , WANG Xing - liang , WANG Yong - ming
Abstract:This paper introduces the principle of Trellis Coded Modulation and the key technique, presents a TCM case of convoluted code word combined together with 8 states 8PSK, analyzes the capability of this system under the conditions of multi-diameter fading channel and proves the improvement made by 8 states 8PSK TCM on the performance of mobile channel.
XIANG Xin , DING Guo-dong , TIAN Bin , YI Ke-chu
Abstract:A new method named different - weight de-spreading in direct sequence spread spectrum system is proposed in this paper. This method can decrease the effect of the mono-frequency or multi-frequency noise to zero. A satisfactory result is obtained through the simulation experiment.
CHU Zhen-yong , MA De-hua , YING Xiao-fan , YI Ke-chu
Abstract:This paper presents and discusses a wavelet packet construction method of PN codes, which takes a group of wavelet packets as the radices of PN codes to form orthogonal PN codes. The PN codes caused by this method can restrain the MAI of SCDMA communications and increase the capabilities of system effectively. Under the conditions of optimal radices, this orthogonal PN codes can also apply to asynchronism CDMA communication systems.
Abstract:The technology of space time transmit diversity using space time block code is investigated. The new STTD scheme is proposed, which is simple and adopts the pilot symbol to estimate channels. The simulation result shows that the new STTD scheme can be used to improve the performance of COFDM system.
CHENG Ren , LENG Juan-hua , YANG Zheng-bin
Abstract:In this paper an algorithm of symbol synchronization for OFDM is proposed based on PN sequences. First, the algorithm Of symbol synchronization based on cyclic prefix is discussed, and then its drawbacks are analyzed. The results of computer simulati on show that the new algorithm based on PN sequences can overcome the drawbacks of the algorithm based on cyclic prefix and get better synchronization in particular in the channel of strong interference and in the case of low SNR.
Abstract:This paper briefly introduces video coding series based on various transmission networks and compares realization of protocol in accordance with ITU - T H. 324 base on PSTN. Moreover, a remote video monitor system is put forward, in which DSP base is adopted and the center of which is based on PC and the terminal is based on the improved H. 263 coding .
WANG Bo-liang , WANG Yan-wei,DING Zai-tian
Abstract:Through study of the CAN (controller area network) bus protocol, a centralized remote control system of short wave radio is designed based on Can-bus. Then the function, building theory and the software sequence chart of remote control terminal are introduced and the reliability of the system is analyzed.
Abstract:An efficient algorithm for computing the Euclidean free distance of TCM codes is described. The algorithm, based on the Viterbi algorithm, is taken in computing the Euclidean free distance of norm codes by assuming the all - zero information sequence to be a reference route. The Algorithm is applied to searching for good TCM codes on Gauss Channels.
CHANG Shuo , CHEN Zhong-hui , ZHANG Zhi-jun
Abstract:In this paper the propagation of a UWB signal in rectangular waveguide is analyzed by FDTD arithmetic, and changes of the time domain waveform and the frequency spectrum of the ultra wide band signal in propagating in the waveguide are given respectively. The result shows that a UWB signal may distort while propagating in a rectangular waveguide, and the longer the distance, the greater the distortion.
LIN Zhi-yuan , LIU Gang , DAI Guo-xian
Abstract:Radar multi-target sorting is one of the important contents in electronic reconnaissance, and a precondition of implementing effective EW as well. The application of neural network to sorting radar multi-target is a new realm of electronic reconnaissance. The target parameters of time field, frequency field and space field are often used to sort radar multi-target. Kohonen neural network is capable of self-organizing and recognizing clustering center. A good result is obtained and the accurate value of clustering center is given out by applying one-dimension Kohonen neural network to radar signal sorting.
WANG Jian-ye , KAN Bao-qiang , WU Fa-wen
Abstract:This paper studies the design for test of PCB by using the boundary scan technique, gives out a concrete implementing method and presents the realization of the measurability designs of some circuit boards. The result shows that, by using this method, the developing period of PCB can be effectively shortened and the cost of maintenance and test can be reduced.
LI Wei-min , HUANG Hai-qing , YAO Qun
Abstract:This paper analyzes the connectivity of the capillary fixing connector developed by ourselves. The result shows that, only by controlling the blind side between the capillary mural and the optical fiber cladding within limit can the lower splicing loss be guaranteed.
Abstract:This paper discusses and analyzes the programming problems with C+[KG-*2/5]+ description under Windows XP-based environments supported by message passing interface (MPI), which is a parallel programming tool, and implementing performance of several typical parallel algorithms and their variations for processing. Still it presents in detail the computed results in the parallel programs and analyzes a comparison of their computing performances and the effect of them on precision in calculation.
ZHANG Duo-lin , LIU Sheng , WU Zhi-hui
Abstract:This paper presents an index system for the information war of air defense operational efficiency estimation, and establishes an estimation model by using the fuzzy synthetic evaluation.
REN Quan , NIE Cheng , LI Wei-min
Abstract:This paper puts forward an index weighting method of minimizing deviations in multi-attribute decision-making. This method combines information on subjective weights with information on objective weights, which not only sufficiently utilizes objective evaluation information but also meets the requirements of decision-maker. Then the paper proposes a model of threat estimation based on the method mentioned above and simultaneously presents a concrete numerical example to show the feasibility and effectiveness of this model.
Abstract:Proceeding from requirements and goals in maintenance and according to the basic procedures of decision analysis, this paper builds up a maintenance optimization model by value and utility functions, visualizes the relations between the maintenance activities by adopting influence diagrams, and quantitatively analyzes the optimization of maintenance activities. Finally the paper gives an illustrative example.
LIU Jing , WEI Rui-xuan , HAN Chong-zhao , Wang Xian-feng
Abstract:Based on the grey incidence analysis, the slope-incidence degree is modified and thus the concept of point-slope modification incidence analysis is deduced. Through the analysis of factors affecting air targets' attribute identification and combining the ideas of air defense by utilizing the grey point - slope modification incidence analysis and the multi-objective optimization method, this paper establishes a model of targets' attribute identification which can be used to effectively solve the complicated and difficult problem of targets' attribute identification by quantitative theory and also provides an auxiliary decision method for C31 system of air defense fight.
Abstract:The multiple reciprocity method (MRM) boundary variation equation, planar solution expression and well - posedness of Boundary Value Problem of Equation Δu+ku=0;inΩ∪Ω′∈R,u|Γ=u0are derived. This proves the existence and uniqueness of the (MRM) boundary variation equation. It is manifested that the multiple reciprocity method (MRM) boundary variation equation only contains the weak singular integral kernel and there is no any polynomial to be added to the expression of solution. Therefore, it is unnecessary to introduce the Lagrange multipliers in finding the solution, which provides a great convenience for the boundary element numerical solution process.
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