HAO Shun-yi,CHAI Zhu-qin,LIU Hua-wei
Abstract:During the study of navigation software for certain type of airplane, it is found that the corresponding coefficient is brought to correct the value of position and heading. According to the control figure of the original information, the correct value of position is analyzed in detail, it is concluded that the correct value is smoothed with inertial ring in software, and this mehod can effectively restrain the disturbance in the correct process and can be used as a reference.
Abstract:To aim at the identification of a certain type of flight control laws,an improvement is made on the method of continuous-time identification that is presented on the articles[2,3].A general model of the identification target is given,which is suitable for this kind of method.And also,by improving the guideline of error model and minimum criterion,the original approach is extended to time-variable area. Numeric simulation results show that this method successfully solves the identification problems of flight control system.And,the method can be easily spread to some parameter identification that is linear,nonlinear,time-variable,or noontime-variable.
HE Yu-ting,HE Wei-feng , WU Xian-ji , SU Hua-jun
Abstract:According to the real structure of the control box,pretesting switch and aircraft,by using the optimization design method,the mathematics model of the design optimization for the control panel chamber pressure fuel filling is set up.The augmented target function is formed by the parametric form penalty function.The optimization design parameters of the control panel chamber are determined and the scheme of optimization design is obtained.The scheme is put into the actual structure refit of aircraft.
LI Jian,XIE Shou-sheng,DING Kang-le
Abstract:In this paper the flight envelope partition method is proposed. According to the atmospheric conditions and engine regulation, flight envelope is parted to 83 regions. In each region parameters in region and at boundary points are replaced with parameters at centroid, which are constrained with dynamic quotas of engine dynamic equation. Finally the mathematical simulation of a turbofan engine performance in whole flight envelope is presented, and the results show the method is effective in establishing engine dynamic equation in whole flight envelope.
Abstract:Accurate model and noise statistics are required in many tracking algorithms in existence based on the traditional Kalman filter which can't be satisfied in engineering application. In this paper an improved Kalman filter considering the inaccuracy in the filter's initial condition is presented, and by introducing velocity measurement, the method of the location with two coordinates to space target is given. Finally, a computer simulation shows the algorithm can help to lower the requirement of model's accuracy and is practical.
NIE Guang-shu , WEI Xian-zhi,XU Hu
Abstract:A developing trend of aircraft guns both in China and foreign countries is to improve aviation guns in service and keep raising their shooting speed. The article, based on the formula counting the action cycle of aircraft guns, according to the working circulation curves of different kinds of aircraft guns, makes a theoretical analysis on the aircraft guns'shooting speed improving potentials , and draws a conclusion of the shooting speed improving on the basis of aviation guns in service.
ZHANG Yong-shun , YU Hong-tao,TONG Ning-ning
Abstract:In this paper, the detectable area of a small absorber-coated ball in bistatic radar system is calculated according to its metrical data of bistatic radar cross section ,then the graph of relation between the detectable area and the baseline range is gained. The result will be a reference to the optimal configuration for bistatic radar system.
CHEN Yong-ge , ZHAO Ying-jun , YUAN Li-wei
Abstract:In view of the characteristics of technology and economy, this paper presents the optimum service life decision model of air defence missile weaponry, and pursues the study on the factors effecting the optimum service life. Thus some valuable conclusions are obtained, which offer a reference for determining the optimum service life of air defence missile weaponry.
XIN Yong-ping,LI Jun,YUAN Zhi-shu
Abstract:Main factors that affect the viability of antiair missile weapon system under modern battlefield circumstance have been analysed.An index system of viability estimation is estabilished ,and measurement and integration method of index system is set up on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis .The result can be used for fast estimation of the viability of weapon system .
Abstract:This paper discusses the direction finding characteristic of passive monopulse seeker. By utilizing the difference between direction finding characteristic of mainlobe and direction finding characteristic of sidelobe, a method of recognizing sidelobe target for passive monopulse seeker is presented. The method is verified with the results of computer simulation.
LEI Ying-jie , XING Qing-hua , SUN Jin-ping , ZHANG Lei
Abstract:Visual Prolog has already become a widely used AI programming language in logic and international developing tools and environment, which has a powerful, general-purpose, intelligent and integrated visual studio. All aspects of Visual Prolog are presented in this paper, such as its origin and evolvement, and its visual programming environment, visual programming interfaces, features of programming language and compiler, running environment and so on.
SHAN Yong,MA Xiang-jie,MENG Xiang-ru
Abstract:In video coding,one of the key technologies is the block-matching algorithm,and its efficiency directly affects the quality of video transmission.Up to now,there have been many nice search algorithms to improve the efficiency of the block-matching algorithm.And the genetic algorithm is a random search algorithm,which can get and accumulate some information related to the search space automatically in the search process.It can control the search process by self-adaptatlon to find the best result.In this paper,the genetic algorithm is improved,which is applied to the block-matching algorithm for low bit-rate video coding.As the result of experiments,the search efficiency is improved while maintaining the better performance.
HUANG He ,ZHU Shuang-he ,CAO Guo-xiong ,QUYi ,CHE Yu-sheng
Abstract:This paper adopts chua's circuit and the improved chua's circuit to bring about chaotic signal and chaotic synchronization, gives an experimental result and a concise analysis of the result, and concludes the main points of realizing chaotic signal. It is easy to use the improved chua's circuit to control and synchronize chaotic signal in experiment, during which the long-puzzled problem of initial conditions is solved.
DI Min-min , SUN Yan-biao , GOU Yan-xin
Abstract:The paper presents a method to suppress the narrow band and impulse interference by using time-frequency analysis.The results of the simulation show that compared with the common FFT method the time-frequency analysis method can improve the signal-to-noise of system by 5-8dB.
LI Jiao , JING Zhong-liang , WANG An
Abstract:This paper discusses the general method of Temporal and Spacial alignment in multi-platform, multi-sensor and multi-source information fusion, and presents a system alignment's mathematical model which suits optimization, and finally gives the EML (exact maximum likelihood) algorithm and simulation based on this alignment's mathematical model.
CAO Hua-min , DU Shuan-yi , LI Xiao-feng
Abstract:In this paper,at first,copy analytical theory of signal is presented.At the same time,the method of copy modulation and demodulation and its property are discussed.Then on the condition of white noise,the capabilities of three different demodulation methods are analyzed by computer simulation.Finally,on the condition of initial phase or frequency shift,the properties of the matching demodulation and characteristic demodulation are analysed by computer simulation.The important conclusions are drawn.
GUO Chao-ping , LI Wei-min , WANG Xiao-dong
Abstract:The article introduces the new development of the Optical Access Network OAN:SuperPON. First it gives the system diagram and frame structure of SuperPON. Then the work process of OLT and ONU is introduced. At last, dynamic MAC protocol based on static MAC protocol is given and its application is introduced.
ZHU Rong-xin,FANG Yao-sheng,YANG Zhi-min
Abstract:This paper provides a new IF quadrature sampling and processing approach by sampling IF signal directly and produces quadrature complex signal by digital signal processing. Digitized in-phase(I) and quadrature(Q) components are obtained through choosing middle point Bessel interpolation function implemented easily in engineering project. Its phase errors derived from theory and a lot of tests are an order of magnitude less than conventional detectors, and no amplitude errors. This approach provides improved accuracy. A basic hardware scheme and a typical experimental result are also given.
XIA Xin-ren,HUAG Ze-gui,DENG Fa-sheng
Abstract:GTD-MOM techniques are studied, the physical model basis is put up by GTD-MOM techniques ,and the far scattered field and radar cross section of a fine perfect conduction cylinders is calculated using this method. The currents on the cylinder consist of three components: the current induced by the incident field and the reflected currents from the cylinder terminations. In comparison with MOM of total domain basis ,this method consumes much less memory and time, and the results of this method are in good agreement with those of MOM.
TIAN Song , CHE Wan-fang , ZHANG Feng-ming
Abstract:The essence of concurrent engineering (CE), as a concept and philosophy, lies in taking into overall consideration to the inherent constraints of product characteristics and development processes. The kernel of CE is concurrent design. This paper discusses the connotation of CE philosophy, emphatically describes it from the information theory point of view and presents the reason and essence that CE is superior to sequential engineering .
DONG Hui-ru , HUANG Yan-feng,LIU Jing
Abstract:The AMSAA model is the most widely used model, applicable for reliability growth track. However, there exist some problems in its application. Based on summarized AMSAA growth model, the paper puts forward an improvement on the model, deduces new expressions to forecast reliability growth test time for a specific MTBF value by Newton iteration, and programs software by this method to evaluate reliability growth. The new solution could dynamically estimate and predict the reliability of equipment, track and forecast the equipment reliability growth. It is more exact than the usual measurement, and the calculation of the software is fast and precise.
YANG Zeng-xuan , GAO Hong-ni,TIAN Ye
Abstract:In the paper, the graphic method and the analytic method are applied to analyze the fast back kinematic characteristic of double crank mechanism, in term of which the formula of fast back kinematic characteristic coefficient of double crank mechanism is deduced. Finally, an applied example is presented.
FENG Li-fu , GUO Shu-xiang , LI Ying
Abstract:Relation between kinematics of a point and composition motion of a point in the kinematics of theoretical mechanics was interpreted.It was also pointed out that the composition motion should be an important part in the study of teaching and teaching material in technological theoretical mechanics,which not only shouldn't be replaced,but also should be weakened.
LI Jian-quan , YANG You-she , YANG Guo-ping
Abstract:For a type of SIS epidemic model with the non-constant input, the behavior of solution and the threshold conditions of existing equilibria are obtained. By analyzing the local stability of all equilibria and constructing Dulac function, the global stability of all equilibria is proved.
WANG Xiu-jun , CHEN Xi , LI Chun-buo
Abstract:Electromagnetic(EML) or attracting levitation can levitate the suspend mass by means of the attracting force created by the electromagnets,which are inherently unstable if the currents are constant.Therefore feedback forces are required to stabilize EML devices.There are several EML methods that may be classified as direct,position feedback-control techniques and ac modulated or indirect feedback methods.In order to obtain stable levitation,the nature of the magnetic force should be a restoring force.After analyzing the magnetic forces,the statically stable condition can be obtained directly by means of the magnetic stiffness conept.In the direct position feedback-control EML,for a necessary condition for stability the control stiffness should exceed
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