XU Sheng-hong , HU Zhi-qiang , ZHANG Zong-lin
Abstract:A fuzzy neural network method is used on the study of the usableness management of navigation sources in the integrated navigation system. The result of the simulation made based on GNSS and TAN shows that the fuzzy neural network method can manage the navigation sources effectively according to the reality. The method has many advantages such as good performance of on-line, high reliability, ability for self-adapting and study on-line, and is of particular value in application.
CHEN Xue-jiang , LI Xue-ren , SHEN Zhu-shan , HUANG Qi-min
Abstract:Automatic testing and universality are the trend in the developing of aeronautic testing instrument. The circuitry of signal feeding circuit, signal testing circuit, interface circuit, testing system automatic check of atmosphere data computer automatic testing system was designed. And the problems such as automatic testing and antijamming are solved successfully in the engineering practice.
GAO Feng , HE Gao-rang , WANG Liang
Abstract:As a substitute for microjet actuator, a buzzer is used to form microjet under water environment. The result is visualized by a high-speed camera which demonstrates the form and development of microjet. And its energy level is analyzed under a series of working conditions of the buzzer. The result shows that corresponding to the optimum working frequency, the energy of microjet can attain the highest level. The effect of microjet is also affected by the buzzer's driving signal waveform. The larger the factor of waveform's velocity change is, the higher the vortexenergy is, and the faster the microjet velocity is.
HAO Xiao-hui , LI Yong-bin , LIU Zhan-chen
Abstract:The launching circuit of certain type of aircraft is a component of weapon control system and it needs testing regularly. To improve the technical levels of the original testing equipment, this paper presents the design of the aircraft launching circuit automatic testing system by adopting the technique of PC/104 Bus. In this paper, the signal of launching circuit and the testing theory are analyzed, and both software and hardware of the testing system are designed. Practical application shows that the system is easy to operate, quick and accurate in testing and provided with potential expansibility.
CHEN Xi-hong , REN Quan , LI Ya-hui
Abstract:According to the current situation of CI system today, a three-layer modal of communication network including Link Maintenance Layer, Network Transmission Layer and Information Expression Layer is presented in this paper based on ISO/OSI reference modal. Then the Protocol in each layer has been analyzed and the design method has been put forward accordingly. Especially the function and realization method of Network Transmission Layer has been discussed and the route selection protocol applicable to CI system communication network for air defense has been presented.
LI Shu-lin , ZHU Jia-yuan , ZHAO Gang
Abstract:his paper applies finite element approach to establishing multi-holed plate finite element mode and analyzing the stress of wing longeron web with several radius holes or openings. And then it determines the general stress concentration factor considering the difference of apertures and the spacing between holes. Furthermore, the paper translates the realistic centrobaric loading spectra into the spectra of wing spar web on the basis of test data and modifies curves of δmax-N and εeq-Nf under low wing loading spectra. And then, it applies Miner's rule and local stress-strain approach respectively to calculating fatigue life of the plate and analyzes the results of the two approaches.
Abstract:This paper advances a construction conception of communication network management system based on INTERNET, offers the explanation of the system framework and some key technology, describes the composition of the system and the corresponding functions and summarizes the schema of communication network management system based on INTERNET.
LIU Zhi-qin , ZHANG Ming-zhi , WANG Yi-zeng , NIE Cheng
Abstract:The air battle process of fighter planes appears as four moments: search, approach, attack and withdraw. Each stage activity of air battle contains different purposes, contents and methods, but each result has the important influence on air battle. Both sides in the battle all hope to choose the most appropriate opportune moment to blast off, any too early or unduly late blast-off is disadvantageous to one's own side. In this paper the quantitative and qualitative analyses about the stage from approach to attack in one to one air battle are done first and the air battle decision model of two to two is discussed then.
LI Wei , HUANG Yong-cheng , ZHOU Long-bao
Abstract:A new type of gasoline engine that adopts Direction Circularly Stratified-Charge combustion System is developed, and the optimum parameters of the DICSC combustion system are obtained by studying the effects of main parameters such as the nozzle type, the location of fuel spray relative to the spark plug, the fuel delivery advanced angle, the injection valve opening pressure, the air swirl ratio, the plunger diameter and compression ratio. The thermal efficiency of the new gasoline engine is roughly the same as the original diesel engine.
Abstract:The reason of "correlativity" or "ill-condition" in the fitting calculation has been found and a basic rule to fit interferogram with Zernike polynomials has been obtained by systematically analyzing the fitting method and course, i.e. the order of Zernike polynomial to fit interferogram should be less than the number of interference fringes in the diaphragm. By the rule " correlativity" or "ill-condition" in fitting calculation can be absolutely avoided, thus the reliability of interferometry is ensured.
HU Xi-ming , XIA Jing-bo , MEN Jian
Abstract:This paper briefly introduces the conception, the feature and the network creation principle of military special Multi-service broadband regional network. The emphases are laid on discussing the three major techniques: ATM and IP integration, POS, GEOS system. Through the detailed analysis and comparison, a proper construction scheme is presented and then a sketch map of the network organization structure is given.
Abstract:The fuzzy payoff matrix of tactics game is given.Two methods to solve fuzzy game are put forward.The sensitivity of fuzzy payoff matrix is analyzed,and some useful and important conclusion is got.At last,an example is given.
KANG Jin-xing , ZHAO Wen-zhen , XU Ying-ge , MA Kang-min , JI Juan-zao
Abstract:This paper reviews the developing course of the erosion-wear resistant materials and the protective technology of hydraulic equipment, discusses the relationship between the material microstructure and the mechanical property. Through analyzing the present situation of the application of the materials, it is obtained that the surface coating treatment is the effective method of resolving erosion-wear and the key to resisting erosion-wear is the design and selection of the material. Finally, the paper presents the prediction to and looks forward to the erosion-wear resistant materials and the protective techniques.
Abstract:This paper puts special stress on the discussion about the UML object modeling technology and the use of this technology in the act of OOA. A normal approach is put forward. Based on this, usecase model and domain requirement model are discussed in detail. Finally, a simple example of using UML is given.
LI Yan-bin,LU Wei-hong,TANG Wei-hua
Abstract:The methematical method of calculating the optimum explosive position of missile is put forwavd on condition of the meeting of the given missile and target.The model is applied to the case of the meeting of the arbitrary missile and target,and also to the arbitrary distribution of the static muzzle velocity of warhead wreckage.So it can be used in the simulation study of the cooperation between the fuze and warhead of the missile.and the optimization of parameters of fuze and warhead.
XIN Yong-ping , LI jun , LIU Chen
Abstract:Based on characteristics of the modern aerial defense system, a guideline system and the analysis of its interrelated factors are brought forward. By using index method, the mathematical entreat model of sub-indexes and the integrate index of efficiency estimating of modern aerial defense system are upbuilt.
ZHANG Bai-sheng , REN Jian-feng,MENG Xiang-ru
Abstract:This paper first presents a deeper introduction to the M/M/I model, and then, based on this, the modeling analysis of the process of network communication. As a result, a mathematic equation is obtained, which shows the relations among the Service Time, Send Rate and the Buffer Size. In the design of system software and project, test and analysis can be done on the basis of this conclusion.
ZHANG Zhi-gang , MEI Wen-hua , DU Xing-min
Abstract:The frequency hop code pulse signal is a new form of pulse compression radar signal, and is of great analysis value. Ambiguity function is a useful tool for designing waveform and analyzing the radar signal. It is complicated to compute ambiguity function of frequency hop code signal and difficult to draw the ambiguity figure. This paper presents a method of computing the ambiguity function via convolution integral and drawing the ambiguity figure by using the Matlab language .
LIN Hua , ZHEN Shu-chun , WANG Jun
Abstract:This paper presents a design of coupling - in in TE111 double mode cylindrical cavity elliptic function filter in which a coaxial probe is used for excitation. And the radiation field of the driving source is solved by the variational integral approximation method, then the variational expression of the input impedance of the coaxial probe and the expression of the radiation resistance are obtained, the position and the dimension of coupling coaxial probe are solved.It is proved from practice that the coupling design is effective, simple and convenient.
LIN Nao-qin , LU Wan-zheng , HU Hui-bin
Abstract:A method of using genetic algorithms to design the optimum passive filter is presented. Attempts have been made for the problems that could not be solved by the classical theory of filter. The result shows that GA is better in adaptability in the design and the problems can be solved in some degree through GA.
QIN Jian-jun , ZHANG Hou,XI Ji-hu
Abstract:The influence on mutual impedance with the changes of distance between cells in a linear array is rigorously calculated and analyzed with Methods of Moment. The exact formula for mutual impedance between two arbitrary current elements and a reference value of the distance between cells in the linear array are presented. The curves of mutual impedance and the patterns of the Chebyshev arrays composed of eight dipoles are also protracted and discussed in detail.
BI Bo , YU Bo-yi , XU Gan-cheng
Abstract:Based on the Hpycakob-Du Dinghua plate theory and concerning about the shear deformation of plate and the transverse extrusion of the core, the paper established the equivalent single-layer model and deduced the dynamical finite element equation for sandwich structure. By calculating the integer elastic displacement response for type-x shelter hangar gate under the vertical bomb load, the result tallies with the test data, so the method is feasible.
WANG Xiu-jun , CHEN Xi , LI Er-bao
Abstract:This paper deals with the problem that the piezoelectric material can be made into driver elements by utilizing its inverse piezoelectric effect-i.e. when voltage is impressed across the material, the deformation of the piezoelectric element will be caused because of the effect of electric field. The intelligent cantilever, if the piezoelectric drivers are fitted symmetrically, will produce the pure bend control moment under the effect of the control voltage with opposite polarities. Through analysis of the strain distribution over the transverse section of the intelligent cantilever beam, the theoretical calculating formula for the effective bending moment caused by piezoelectric driver train is deduced and two methods of measurement of the effective bending moment are presented.
Abstract:This paper mainly studies the convergence of asymmetric discrete Hopfield neural network in serial mode and gives some convergence conditions. If the weight matrix can be decomposed into the sum of a symmetric matrix with non-negative diagonal elements and a diagonally row ( column) dominant matrix, then the network is convergence in serial mode. The obtained results generalize the existing conclusions.
Abstract:This paper introduces the core technology about computer remote control and realization of its main functionality by Microsoft MFC, and also presents the Visual C++ 6.0 resource codes that have been debugged and passed in the Windows 9x.
Abstract:Measurement is an important tool for people to understand and change the world. Modern measurement thoughts and methods are discussed on many aspects such as the development of measurement standpoint, the contrast between the modern and the traditional measurement thoughts and methods, the transform of measurement technique and etc., thus the research information is offered to the measurement of information, electro science and technique subject, and to the reform of teaching contents and methods of experiment subject. The information is also offered to the choice of scientific research theme and the work of degree dissertation.
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