Abstract:Under given conditions , airpower determines the outcome of war , and fighter bomber is a very important component of airpower. Based on China's own needs ,this paper discusses the tactical aspects as required of fighter bombers in hi - tech air operations , and outlines the main features of the first China - designed aircraft and advanced technology involved , which could serve as useful expenences to go by as well as a guide in designing new type aircraft and upgrading of modification of the FBC fighter bomber.
HE Yu-ting , CHEN Yong , WU Xian-ji , HE Wei一feng , MA Kang-min
Abstract:Mter an analysis of the crack - source material of the cracked down skin of the right-middle-outer wing in an aircraft by means of the electron scanning microscope , a lot of features known as corrosion , stress corrosion and fatigue damage have heen detected in the photomicrograph. Thus the conchrsion can he drawn that the crack mode of the cracked down skin is of corrosive fatigue cracking caused hy stress corrosion.
WENG Xing-zhong , DU Jian , HONG Jian-jun , LU Ming
Abstract:With the mam contributors to high filling settlement determined ,a calculating model is set up according to the characteristics of high filling construction. On the principle of Layers - summation , a calculating method of high filling settlement is presented in consideration of construction mode and time. And an analysis of high filling settlement stabilization is made in Mianyang Airfield. The calculating results are in agreement with the measuring results ,which proves the method applicable for the calcalation of the total settlement course of high filling. This paper also discusses the steps of shortening the high filling settlement stabilization time.
Abstract:In view of the earthwork in airfields , the author takes into consideration the calculation method for cubic meter of earth when different earths are dispersed horizontally and perpendicularly. In this paper , the fonner volume-onented earth allocation and transportation method is changed , a mathematical model for the allocation and transportation of different earths is established , and finally a solution is advanced.
CHEN Shu-xin ; WANG Yong-sheng , LU Xu-ming
Abstract:In this paper , a way of improving the fast GPS ambiguity resolution is presented. This algorithm improves the precision of ambiguitys Kalman filter estimations through whitening process to remove or reduce the correlation of double - difference GPS carner phase observations for short periods. The simulating results show that smaller deviation can be obtained by decorrelation for short baselines over short observation periods.
LU Na , XU Hao-xiang , DING Zai- tian
Abstract:The network is used more and more in technical developemnt for its advantages. Transmitting infonnation by using network needs designing network 's program. First , the article describes the basic theory of network 's programming interface and the organization of Windows Sockets which is Microsoft Windows networks programming interface , introduces the theory and methods of network's programming design in VC + + , by using CSocket Class ,CSocketFile Class and Carchive Class of MFC.
LI Xiao-chun , ZHU Shuang-he , WANG Guo-hong , CAO Guo-xiong , HUANG He
Abstract:ln this paper, both the design of chaotic circuit and the study of the mechanism of chaotic oscillation make it possib1e for the chaotic signa1 to recur in any case. The simulation results show that the newly - designed circuit can generate chaotic signa1s effectively and has lots of advantages over the present chaotic circuit in terms of the circuit design as well as of the results of generating chaotic signals.
Abstract:This paper gives a comprehensive discussion of the dynamic data collecting methods of a body in motion ,adopting the surface dynamic pressure of a revolving body as a subject to be measured respectively with three methods一remote measure collection , single - chip computer storage and collecting - ring numerical transmission. The results prove the three methods applicable to collecting the dynamic pressure test of a body in motion , each having special features and dynamic collection , complete with the ground - powered collecting ring.
ZHANG Xiao-gang , ZHANG Na -wen , HE Zheng-hong
Abstract:Target recognition is an important link in the chain of information processing for air -defense. Yet ,there is not any ripe theory for air target type recognition. On the foundation of BP a1gorithm , a target recognition method based on neural network is applied to the specific major air - raid aircraft type. Following that the model is simu1ated by the tools of neural network provided by MATLAB. The result of simulation implies that the method is reasonable and workable. And the method presents a great significence in improving the accuracy in the information processing.
LAN Wen-xiang , Li Wei-zhong , GAO Peng , CHEN Chang-xing
Abstract:Based on the requirements of the TV-track System-real time , swiftness , directness and trueness to life,a combination of Open GL with hardware is adopted as a solution to developing the TV - track system of a simulator. This paper introduces the whole construction of developing the visual simulation software of the TV - track system with the aid of Open GL , several key technologies conceming modelling , viewing , pattern version processing and target data driving , and then furnishes the results of simulation.
Li Fei , GU Qi-ping , ZHANG Wen-ming
Abstract:The paper discusses the problems of weapon level year's evaluation , presents a weapon level year's evaluation model based on the back - propagation neural network , and. pre- processes the performance parameters of the weapons concerned ,. The results of simulation show that the model is effective and promising.
Abstract:An over-long floating-point data type based on the C + + Object Oriented Programming ( OOP) is designed and implemented in this paper. The data type is beyond the limitation of software data type and computer digit length and can accomplish storage and arithmetic operation and input/ output among the over -long floatinglpoint numbers given at discration. On the basis of the data type , we advance a series - based method by which we can calculate values of circurnference ratio π and the natural logarithm's fundus e up to any digit after the radix point.
ZHANG Chuan - rong ZHU Hong - ru , XIAO Guo -zhen
Abstract:Non-repeated homogeneous functions are a class of special Boolean functions. They are very important in constructing cryptographic security nonlinear combining functions.So,their cryptographic properties are studied in this paper.As a result,we know that non-repeated homogeneous functions of one degree are possessed of good equilibrium and correlation-immunity ,and those of two degrees are one class of Bent functions with the highest non一linearity,the largest order number of diffusion ,etc.On the basis of the above,the applications of non - repeated homogeneous functions to constructing non - linear combining functions are studied in detail. Therefore,the constructions of balanced correlation - immune functions with higher non - linearity as well as of functions with the highest non - linearity and the highest algebra degree are obtained.
Abstract:The analysis and calculatiom of the interference and noise in CDMA satellite communications system is the most important for system design. In this paper , the source of the interference and noise in CDMA satellite communications system is studied , and the carrier - to - noise ratio is calculated. This paper gives a good reference to designing CDMA communications system.
Li Hong-wei , DUAN Yan-li , GUO-Ying
Abstract:This paper uses the time-varied spectra1 analysis and the synthesis technology eliminate the noise from the noisy speech through the frame - overlapping - spectra1 subtraction method which accords with the characteristic of constant changing speech. The test verifies that this method can effectively eliminate the disturbance of noise to get the enhanced speech , and ensure the non -loss of the intelligibility and the natura1ness of speech.
FEI Jin-feng WANG Ji-qin , REN Bao-xiang
Abstract:This paper dea1s with extracting the error signals from the opposed - signa1 cancellation loop and the intermodu1ated opposed - signa1 cancellation loop in the feed - forward superlinear amp1ification. The two extractions in question have proved workab1e and effective.
Abstract:Optoelectronic information materials are novel information materials which transform , store and process information more rapidly than electronic materials. They hold a great significance for the development of information technology. This paper expounds the applications , current research status and future developments of optical storage materials ,optical fiber communication materials and optoelectronic functional materials.
LIU Gang , WANG Chun-yang , SHI Jian-jun , DA Guo-xian
Abstract:In this paper , the transient radiation in space of a trilateral dipole antenna is mainly analyzed. It starts with the scalar and vector potential calculation of the Hertz dipole. The superposition theorem is employed in obtaining the radiation fields and power of this trilateral dipole antenna , which then are compared with the results of Hertz dipoles and fan - shaped dipoles. It has proved in the practical test and use that this antenna is a good ultra wide - band one.
ZHAO Wei-guang , LIU Wei-jiang, ZHANG Qun
Abstract:In this paper , a neural network approach is made to the concentrator location problem ( CLP) in the design of local access network. The goal of this NP-complete problem is to minimize the total cost associated with capacitated concentrators and to apply the lagrangian method and the differential equation of the neural network dynamic system made of penalty functions. In this paper, the problem is efficiently solved by the special neural network. Several simulation results show that the neural network approach is desirable in finding better solutions or optimal solutions.
Abstract:A proper solution to the problems occurring frequently in the VSAT is given in this paper. Combined with the software,this equipment can communicate with lots of other systems , so as to enhance the expansibility of the system ; And also ,this system design integrates the address storeroom of the main backup station into the whole system , thus enlarging the usable range of the equipment.
Abstract:In order to increase the calculating precision of the dynamic scattering density of warhead flinders , this paper analyzes the calculating model of the literature [1] associated with the dynamic scattering density of Warhead flinders ,and locates the errors in the transformation formula hetween the dynamic scattering density of Warhead flinders in relation to the target and the dynamic scattering density of Warhead flinders in relation to the ground (or the air). It rectifies the errors of literature [1]. The simulation examples show that the model is true.
YANG Hui , LUO Qun-bin , SHUN Ming
Abstract:In view of the modem medical architecture as the carrier of medical facilities,this paper discusses in detail the humanized and homelike design of hospital environment from the considerations of human and natural needs. Such a design aims to emphasize the balance between sophisticated technologies and rich sentiments , satisfy the service of high quality and high efficiency, and orient the medical architecture to nature , thus saving energy and land and ensuring a sustainable development for the hospital.
Abstract:On the basis of element sensitivities of the observab1e matrix singu1ar - values , a technique to determine the locations of piezoe1ectric sensors of intelligent structures is presented in this paper. In order to obtain optima1 locations of sensors of intelligent structures , steps are taken as follows: firstly , a modal analysis of the initial structure is carried out with piezoelectric sensors on the given domain ; secondly , the observable modes corresponding to singular - values are taken with the singular - value decomposition method; thirdly , formulation of the e1ement sensitivity of the singular - value of controllability is developed; fourthly , the element sensitivity of the singu1ar - va1ues is chosen as the measure and the criterion to determine optima11ocations of sensors. A threshold va1ue is given and optimal produce is presented to determine which sensor e1ement needs to be kept/removed based on the sensitivity information. Locations of sensors are determined as the point where the element sensitivities of the singu1ar - va1ues are maximum. One numerica1 examp1e is taken to illustrate the app1ications of the present method.
ZHAI Qiao-zhu , LlU Ya-an , WANG Qing , LlU Ya-ling
Abstract:In some markets , the volume of business and price security are determined entirely by the bidding curves of buyers and sellers. In this situation , an everyday problem facing the buyer is how to make his good bidding strategy when the seller' s plan is unknown in order to purchase a certain number of commodities at proper prices. In this paper ,a simple mathematical model is established in view of this problem with the result that some necessary characteristics for a good bidding curve can be obtained.
XU Jin-yu , ZHAO Jing , CAO Ding-guo , CHEN Yong , HOU Qing-ping
Abstract:This paper presents a practical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for defense grade assessment of air defense hastions. The peculiarities of this method include the memhership functions hased on quantitative measurement of non-quantitative factors hy expert grading systems , the determination of the factor weighting hy means of the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP) ,the use of the weighted average model as the comprehensive assessment model ,and the classification of the grade of hastion defense hy the asymmetric approach degree method.
ZHANG Li , GAO Hong-ni , LIANG Ying-liang
Abstract:In order to evaluate the management information system , this paper establishes the structural model of MIS evaluation system , evaluates MIS with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on the principle of system evaluation, and finally proposes a reasonable method of evaluating MIS.
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