WANG Zhi-gang , LI Qing , CHEN Shi-lu , LI Ren-hou
Abstract:The paper studies concomitant motion kinematics. In kinematics , the kinematical relation of the relative motion between concomitant satellite and main satellite is deduced; the three applications of the kindematical relation are discussed. Supposing the main satellite orbit is circular. the concomitant motion equations with earth-fixed coordinate system and main satellite orbit-fixed coordinate system (in four cases) are deduced. Concomitant orbit shapes and characteristics are gained by analysis.
Abstract:As an examole of analysing the fatigue crack of wing spar in type-5 Fighter - Trainer ,the methods of crack propagation life prediction by means of fractography and Zheng - Hirt formula are ntrodued in this paper.Some useful study was carried out for predetermined servive life of old fighters.
SHEN Yan-liang WANG Xing-hua , WANG Jian-ping , CAO Ke-qiang
Abstract:The full scale ground simulation test of aircraft's pressure refuel system is one of the most important link in system design. The main task is to modulate system parameters , test system performance in order to get the optimal performance of the system. Combined with the full scale ground simulation test , the test task , items , method and data processing are described and this has guide meaning to ground simulation test of aircrafts system in system design.
HE Xi-bin , LI-jiao , JING Zhong-liang
Abstract:Multiple sensor registration is important link in multisensor data fusion. In this paper. the source of registration errors and principle of registration techniques are briefly introduced firstly. Then,a review of the available techniques for multisensor registration is given. Finally , the combined technique of computational intelligence 、knowledge base and neural networks is proposed to solve the problem of registration.
Abstract:The synthetical evaluation method in fuzzy mathematics is applied to evaluate the working level of the quality control station , the evaluation indexes system is put forward and the weight of each factor is determined by using AHP, the fuzzy synthetical evaluating model is built up , and an example is given.
Abstract:We describe the measurement of software quality , analyze and classify the problems found in software quality. We then summarize 31kinds of problems in usability , fault-tolerance , efficiency , installability and document.Finally , the instance of software testing is provided. It proves that this kind of classification can be easily manipulated and is very helpful to software developer. In particular , the method is favourable to the improvement of software quality.
Abstract:We propose the design method of model reference self-organizing fuzzy logic controller , and construct its fuzzy logical control rules in this paper. By using this design method to control a flight system , the simulation indicates that the proposed self-organizing fuzzy logic flight control can achieve satisfactory performance and robustness.
ZHANG Yong-zhi , TAO Xiao-yan , HAN Zhong-xiang
Abstract:The classification of ActiveX components in C/S circumstance is introduced in this paper .It also presents the
LIU Ling-xia , LIU Shou-yi , WANG Ling
Abstract:application technigues and the strong function of ActiveX/DCOM Components in Visual Basic , Visual C ++, and Visual
LI Yu -lin , DONG Yu-guo , LI Zu-peng , ZHENG Lian-qing
Abstract:J ++.The technologies in this paper can be used to create the ActiveX components and to develop Web program .
WU Xiao-yan , LI Yan-bin , ZHAO Min-rong , QIU Dang-qing
Abstract:Key words:ActiveX ;ActiveX controller ;ActiveX documents ;ActiveX code components
Abstract:A hybrid algorithm for solving carier transport equations of semiconductor device is presented in this paper.We can prove theoretically and practically that the hybrid algorithm is supenor to couples and de-coupled algorithms in high implantation conditions.
FENG Cun-qian , HAN Ying-chen , ZHANG Yong-shun
Abstract:Taking one-bit quantized DRFM for example , the sampling process in DRFM is analyzed , the formulas of spectrum contents and amplitude are provided , which are produced by quantization and sampling , and the result calculated with the formulation is proved by the emulation , the conclusion of emulation is coincided with the result of the analysis. The same method can be used to analyze the spectrum contents and amplitude of Multiple-bit DRFM.
YANG Shou-guo , XIE Jun-wei , ZHANG Xue-li
Abstract:A jamming-simulation system scheme is presented here aiming at a linear-sweep radar. The system can generate Jamming sequence according to different tactical background with the help of computer, then translate the sequence into analogue signal through D/ A to simulate complex jamming enrironment. In this paper , the method to generate jamming sequences is introduced in detail.The scheme adopts the simulation technique of computer software. lt can be realized and extended easily.
Abstract:In this paper, an orthogonal multicode wideband CDMA system model including pilot channel based on chaos spreading sequences is given. Based on chaos sequences , with pilot channel inserted orthogonally , it is shown that the performance of the system is improved. The performance of the system in fading channel is analyzed.
MA Yue , SUN Zhong-yun , ZHAO Yong-an
Abstract:Thickness of DCG film is one factor inf1uencing the technical targets of holographic display screen. The change of the thickness of holographic film and the uneven grating structure are analyzed. With the help of Multilayer Optical Theory. its theoretical design is conducted. And the assumption is raised that optical thickness interval in the film is uniform. The computer-slmulation glves us the result of theoretical calculation , which is compared with that of the experiment. In this way we have proved that the assumption of optical thickness is correct.
Abstract:According to many data recorded in the workplace , this text classifies the failures of rolling bearings into several typical failures. By using the data processing technology , we can establish a prachce diagnostic system.Thus , not only we can diagnose the part of failure in bearing , but also easy to realizing the exact diagnosis by computer.
Abstract:A fast drag system is designed to simulate the law of speed variations of a certain power system engine in the process of its start by means of electric power drag and the theory of automatic control and through adopting a new type of electric machine and frequency-change techniques , thus enabling the system to achieve quick start , instantaneous breakdown and accurate following of the electric machines speed variations curve set in advance at will.
ZHANG Zhong-ping , CHE Jun , LIU Zhi-yi , YANG Zun-pao , ZHANG Jian-bang
Abstract:The requirement for wave - mode to determine stress intensity factor (SIF) by ultrasonic wave is studied.The relationship between SIF and acoustic refractive index corresponding to longitudinal wave is used. The propagating velocities of both transverse and longitudinal waves in specimen and the refractive law are taken into account.It is found that , if a beam of ultrasonic longitudinal wave incidents upon the front surface of a loaded specimen with crack. two beams of ultrasonic longitudinal waves will pass through the rear surface of the specimen and four beams of them will pass through the front surface of the specimen since the reflection and the refraction. So , if ultrasonic wave is used to determine SIF , only the first one passing through the front (or rear) surface of the specimen can be used.
GUO Shu-xiang , LU Zhen-zhou , LI Wei-ji , FENG Yuan-sheng
Abstract:Structural design is subject to some unavoidable uncertainties in material and geometrical properties,loads,etc.To achieve the goal of harmony and balance between the structural safety and economy , the combination of structural reliability theory , in which uncertainties can be handled reasonably. and the advanced techniques for the optimization of structures becomes a natural choice of engineers. The optimization of structures based on reliability can make an optimum balance between safety and economy. and thus became the high goal of structural designers. In this paper. the techniques of probabilistic reliability-based on structural optimization are briefly reviewed in contents. methods and its relative theones. Some existing problems are discussed.
WANG Qiang , LIU Xue-feng , DUANMU Jing-shun
Abstract:Supportability assessment is an important job in the Aeronautic Equipment's entire life cycle and it is a certification of the working effect of Integrated Logistics Support of aeronautic equipment. But in the supportability assessment of the aeronautic equipment , there are such problems as the redundancy of information , an unnecessanly wide range of time and space scope , and a lack of accuracy. With the first ever introductn of informatlOn fusion m supportability assessment and the analysis of the suitability of information fusion in supportability assessment , this paper researches into the rules and fusion models of information fusion in supportability assessment and puts forward a brand-new strategy model of supportability information fusion. So , this paper has practical value in improving the accuracy of aeronautic equipment supportability assessment results and in pushing on the development of supportability assessment.
GUAN Hong-gen , FENG Jin-fu , HE Yong , GAO Shu-zi
Abstract:This paper expounds the problem on elgenvalue reduced-order for flexible umltibody system model , and derives the elgenvalue modal reduced-order oriterion and calculation steps based on Riccati iteration algorithm in accordance with attitude dynamics of flexible spacecraft system. Analysis results indicate that it can reflect better the basic characteristics of the original system than usually eigenvalue truncation criterion and exactly preserve the lower frequencles and mode shapes of the original system. Dynamic response curves of reduced-order model accord better with original system.
Abstract:The odd point of plane differential systems x =-y+δx+axy+my2+ly2n+1 ,y = G(x) , is studied. The sufficient condition of the nonexlstence of limit cycles for the system is obtained by means of comparmg theorem. analyzing devergence and variable substitution.
GAO Hong-ni , YANG Jian-Jun , CAO Ze-yang
Abstract:Contraposing complexity of quantificating and difficulty of consistency of companson matrix in AHP, the paper adopts FAHP and provides a new method of determining ratio of factors combined with the project of material provision optimizing path.
JIAO Guang-long , FU Hong-wei , XIANG Zheng-Yi , WANG Bin-ke , DAI Guo-xian
Abstract:This paper presents the balanced sampling-a way to promote the stability of high time resolution sampling integrator. The balanced mixer has the property of eliminating the local oscillation , so based on this princple ,two single diode sampling Clrcuits controlled by one sampling impulse are linked symmetrically. Through differencing amplifier , the datum line drift caused by the change of impulse , biase as well as diode is eliminated. and thus the stability of sampling integrator is promoted. Besides , in short-distance impulse radar based on sampling integrator ,the method can greatly increase the sensitiviy and target-inspecting rate of receiver.
Abstract:The mam purpose of this paper is using the classical estimation of Kloostermann sum and the analytic method to study the first power mean of Dirichlet L - funcuons with the weight of general Kloosterm1ann sums , and giving a sharp asymptotic formula.
Abstract:Based on the investigation of the random demand of the spare parts communication equipment , together with the cost , using Markovian decision programming , the optimizing model of controlling the spare parts inventory is put forward , in which optimum strategy of vanous states of the spare parts inventory is given through computing.It is seen from the result that not only the inventor can meet the maintamance demand , but the cost can be decreased to the lowest level.
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