Abstract:The research is to umte the traditional optical method with the modern quantizing 1mage technique ,and to calculate mterferogram usmg the advance quantizing 1mage processmg means and fitting mterfero gram method with Zernike polynomials so that the evenness and other technical parameters of surface of optical plane glass can be quickly and precisely measured. Using the results of the research in the system to mspect the surface of plane glass , the precision of the system IS about ).,/100 and sensitivity reaches about À./1000 .
ZHANG Bìn , WANG Haì-Yan , YU Leì
Abstract:It will be helpful for analyzing , understanding and graspmg the soft structure and its course of Fìre control computer by tracmg the execute address of the computer software , thus meanìngful to patchmg up the orìginal software. The execute address tracmg system usmg ISP and DMA can trace and record the extcute address of the Fìre control computer at dìfferent status. Forthermore , the tracmg system can take the dìfferent length address tracmg recording according to the specific requlrement.
Abstract:The article puts forward a method for calculating the arrestmg force of carner aircraft in the case the aircraft meets thecable off-center and the aircraft motlOn IS unsymmetrical. The condition under which the hook will or will not slip on the cable is considered. Based on a great deal of numerical results , the article analyzed the impact of unsymmetrical motion and off- center on landing dynamlcs of carner aircraft.
Abstract:Doppler navigation is a kind of independent nav1gatlOnal system , but its real-time speed measuring precision IS comparatively low. On the basis of the principle and ciruilt of the active Doppler radar , this article analyzes the causes of the real-time low speed measuring precision and puts forward some measures of improvmg the real-time speed measusmg precision of Doppler radar.
GAO Feng , QU Shao-bo , CHE Jun , YANG Zu-pei , TIAN Chang-sheng
Abstract:In this paper , O. 85PZN-0. 10BT-0. 05PT relaxor ferroeleetne ceranucs were prepared by two step method. The effect of technological processes (such as calcining and sintenng temperature) on the perovskite phase content and gram Slze of the speclmens was mvestlgated , and the dielectnc propertles and electrostrictive propertles of the ceramlCS were also studied. 1t was shown that with the increase of sintering temperature the content of perovskite phase mereased , but the increasmg of calcining temperature would decrease the stabilization of perovskite structure. With the optimized technological processes the pure perovskite phase structured ceramlcs were prepared successfully and their macro-propertles were also measured.
SONG Bo , DU Xing-mm , BAI Xin , WANG Xing-hua , TANG Hong
Abstract:In this paper , the factor which affects the bit error of high speed air-ground date transmitting system IS analyzed , and the means of RS codes resolute IS put forward , On the basis of expatiating on the RS codes principle , the software flow chart IS glven. Expenments reveal that the capac1ty of correcting random error and burst error is better. Accordingly , RS codes strengthens the error bolerance and anti-interference capacity of the system and satisfies the bit error probability demands. .
XIONG-we i , XIUZhan-qi , YIKe-chu
Abstract:In this paper , the author glves a brief description of the developments and principle of ATM switching fribic belongmg to shared medium type ,and also ItS design plan. It is implemented that hardware circults and software program , Finally , hardware CircUlts and software program have been tested. Solution is satisfactory. This circUlts plays an lmportant role in practicality of ATM technology.
Abstract:Based on the traditional disspreading and demodulating scheme for M -ary communication , the idea that the spread spectrum code of many data flows can be disspreaded at the same tlme is firstly presented by using virtual matched filter technology. Furthermore , the new disspreading and demodulating scheme based on this idea is also introduced and analyzed. Researching result shows that this new scheme is very valid for disspreading and demodulating of M-ary communication.
FEI Jin-feng , WANG Ji-qin , W ANG Guang-ming
Abstract:This paper glves a detail analysis on the characteristic of the nonlineanty m the power amplifier working m model A. In addition , the paper glves special attent!On to the problem of the relationship between the number of carners and the intermodulation product. The slmulation result gives a good accordance with the conclusion presented in the documents.
Abstract:In this paper , a new optical communication technology based on CDMA is introduced. Compared with the technology put forward by the previous literature , lt can increase the system capacity , improve the system speed and get the high process gain , and does not need the ultrashort pulse laser transmltter. It combines the great bandwith of optical fiber with high spectrum utitity factor of CDMA. The techmology can increase the system capacity greatly if combined with DWDM and the pice very low. OCDMA has hugepotential in the CA TV network and high speed LAN.
YANG Shou-guo. LIU Shi-kao. FU Quan-Xi
Abstract:The character of SIMULINK and principle of certam radar antenna followmg system are mtroduced here. The method to build model facing block diagram by usmg SIMULINK and the process of digital simulation are discussed emphatically. The dynamlc performance of certam radar antenna (the branch of azimuth) following system is also analyzed here. All of these make an mstructive role in analysis of performance of the complicate control system by using SIMULINK.
BAI Zhen-xing , HE Hua-can , ZHOU Han-ping , XIE Ji-hai
Abstract:In this paper , the author puts forward the new idea , new theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as the concept of ideal machine. The ideal machine is the intelligence system theory model with the maximum compatibility and the top ideal aim for mankind using tools , and the sClentific abstract of function for man , ammal and all man-made machine system. The article sums up AI as the high level informatlOn processor of ideal machine. In consideratlOn of the complexity and hardship of studying AI system , the author ralses the intelligence studying tactlcs , that is High Jamp Principle and Wave Principle. The key is the proper study goal , not too high , not too large , otherwlse the study may end in failure.
HAN Li-chuan , ZHAO Song-zheng
Abstract:Soft system Method (SSM) is an effectine way of a system analysis and a powerful means of dealing with the active system of mankind. By discussmg some problems related to the information system development methods that are offen used in the actual application. and trymg to apply the 80ft system method to the information system development. this paper puts forward the grafting model of the soft system and life cycle and discusses the application of grafting model in an actual pro]ect.
LIU Ming , ZHAO Ying-Jun , ZHANG He-jun
Abstract:This paper firstly introduces the genera1 concept of the tactlc air-defense C3I system and basic constitutions of the fighting slmu1ation software. On the basis of them , this paper puts forward a corresponding soft re1iabi1ity asslgnment mode1 to solve the prob1em of the software reliabi1ity assignment.
YUE Shao-hua , ZHANG Jin-cheng
Abstract:In this paper first , the application of the OO method is discussed in the design of the radar target track simulation system , then the target movement model and the programming model based on OO are set up , and finally the software implement based on VC++. is introduced. The radar target track simulation software is made based on the design model , and is put mto action. Proved by practice the design model is true and reasonable. it has a good utility value. It is praised by aerial defense army.
Abstract:A new CF AR detection method based on cell select (CS) is developed and its detection performanceis analyzed under different environments. The results indicate that this technique can improve the performance of CA and OS-CF AR detection m multi-target interference environments without any performance loss in homogeneous environments.
ZHANG Shan-wen; ZHEN Shu-chun , ZHAO Xing-lu
Abstract:The paper presents a method of air-target classification based on the Morlet wavelet and the difference of Doppler-frequency resulting from the different targets m the air. The algorithm uses the Morlet wavelets of different center frequency , computmg wavelet transform , estimating the power spectrum of the sighal. The 1-D images of the radar target were obtained.
WANG Xian-feng. LI Wei-min. SHEN Mao-xing
Abstract:In this paper , the author presents an algorithm to detect the tra]ectory and impact pomt of tactical ballistic missile by the measurmg data of ground warming radar. and the initial attempt IS made for the work to predict the tra]ectory and impact pomt of tactical ballistic missile by the measuing data processing of radar. The research results in this paper will be valuable to research the operations theory of A TBM.
Abstract:The paper begms with the statistical data of service year of the aucraft withdrawn from our wilitary service. Using for reference the working condition of several types of forelgn fight-aircraft , the aircraft 's natural life , technical life and economical life are put forward , so the aircraft 's service year can be determmed reasonably. And the prolongation of the economicallife is also analysed mathematiclly. It is pomted out that under the clrcumstances of the renewal speed of the airbone equipment being more faster than that of the aircraft platform , the prolongation of the aircraft's service life may be an appropnate way to achieve "less investment. higher efficiency" in the equipment developing
Abstract:The reliability of the probabilistic models for machanical reliability design is investigated. Some effects of the inaccuracy which may occur m the probabilistic parametars of characteristics and the form of distributions on the calculated results of reliability are studied through practical calculations. The limitations of the probabilistic models for mechanical neliability and the importance of the rational modeling are demonstrated.
Abstract:Current resonance switch is composed of by using resonance circuit combined with PFM switch to carry out DC-DC power conversiOn. And the power conversiOn circuit and its control circuit are also given. Switch mode power supply designed in this way has a high efficiency and simple clrcuit. In the practical use. Its performance is stable and reliable.
HUANG He-cheng. HOU Zhen-Yi. WANG Yi-ming
Abstract:A novel three-phase power factor correction plan with soft switching actcve snubbers is proposed in this paper. Some practical analytic expressions are obtained by steady-state analysis , and a design example is presented. Theoretical analysis is verified by expermental results.
Abstract:The property of the irreducible binary relation p on a finite set K is studied. The unique transitive relation is demonstrated and ρk∪ρk+1∪……∪ρk+d-1=ρ∪ρ2 ∪……∪ρn=X× X is also proved.
Abstract:The definitions and characteristics of framework are presented. The relationships between framework-based reuse and component-based reuse , automatlc software generatlOn , domam-specific software architecture(DSSA) , design patterns are also discussed in detail respectively. Finally , a few shortcomings of framework-based reuse and some research topics on it are listed.
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