Abstract:The maJor alm of this paper is the research of finite deformatlOn of orthotroplc elastlcplasticity for a round bar under tenslon. Meanwhile , on the basis of multiplicatlve decomposition concept, a finite element method suitable to calculating the finite orthotropic elastlc-plastic deformatlOn has been suggested. The slmulated results of the orthortropic finite plastic deformatlOn of a bar made of orthortroplc plastlc material under large stram tenslOn show the shape of the necking sectlOn of the bar IS elliptic , and there are very evident differences m mechanical behavlOr and in defferent directlOnal necking deformatlOn when the tenslOn is in different onentatlOn.
WENG Xing-zhong , LENG Pei-yï , ZHAO Weng-ling
Abstract:The shear and cleavage tests of cement concrete combining pavement have been done , the fatigue test of the full size slab has also been done. The result indicates that YJ-302 bond has the interface felt more strongly than the cement slurry and the 107 glue cement slurry when the old pavement lS not chiseled. The YJ-302 provides the pavement to be bond well and makes the pavement be combine ent1rety. That Y}-302 is used in combining pavement 1S more economical of money and YJ-302 is good bond at present.
ZHU Rong-xia , NA Jing-yan , GUO Sheng-wu , CHEN Zhi-xin
Abstract:With cultural technology of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB) , growmg character of SRB 1S researched. The result shows that SO~- cons1stency will decrease as SRB growmg. But with SRB multiplying , H2S cons1stency will increase; with SRB declining and falling , lt will decrease. In the meant1me , with three petroleum tubular materials soaked , the form and composition of the corroslOn products are analysed with scannmg electron m1croscopy (SEM) , and it is found the corroslOn products are FeS and Fel-"S, The corrOSlOn mechamsm 1S amphatically researched and 1ts result shows that the mam cause of acceleratmg corrOSlOn is the products of SRB, because of metabolism, especially, H2S. They have both anode depolarizatlOn reactlOn and cathode depolarlZation reactlOn to corrOSlOn reactlOn.
QU Shao-bo , PEI Zhi-bin , FENG Da-yi , TIAN Chang-sheng
Abstract:O. 75Pb (Znl/sNb2/s)Os-O. 15BaTiOs-0. 10PbTiOs ceramlCS were prepared by columbite method and the effect of molding pressure change on dielectnc and electrostrictive propertles was mvestlgated. The results demonstrated: with the increase of molding pressure , the denslty and crystal gram Slze of the ceramlCS were mcreased, and the dielectnc and electrostrictive propertles were also lmproved.
Abstract:In order to quantitatively analyze and evaluate the longdistance guidance effectiveness of the Early Warning Aircraft steering the fighter, the longdistance guidance successful probability is taken as an index for describing the guidance effectiveness, and a mathematic model is built up based on analyzing the course of the Early Warning Aircraft steering the fighter. And the course of longdistance guidance is divided into level guidance and vertical guidance, error analysis models of the level guidance and the vertical guidance are built up according to the parallel approach guidance rule, and the algorithms for longdistance guidance effectiveness are put forward by using probability analysis method, through the algorithm the relations are acquired between the longdistance guidance effectiveness and some factors such as guidance error, the fighter radar capability and target characteristic. Under the scene of the fighter lower speed than the target, an example of a fighter intercepting a target by the Early Warning Aircraft's longdistance guidance is given to analyze effect rules of primary parameters on longdistance guidance probability, including target enter angle, intercept distances, antenna scan area and target parameters precision. Through simulation the results efficiency approaches are presented for increasing the longdistance guidance effectiveness based on this scene
Abstract:Invoking Green's theorem to separate the convectlOn variable from the differiential operator of weighted residual equatlOn IS a new strategy of using upwind scheme in Galerkin finite element method. As an example, the locally skewed upwind scheme IS proposed. By imple-mentmg this strategy m con)UnctlOn with the equal-order velocity-pressure formulation , the convectlOndommated fluid flow can be obtained more accurate slmulation m complex geometncs. This paper not only has established this new method, but also has proved its accuracy IS rather encouragmg by its applícatlOn to some typical examples and compansons with other literatures.
WANG Duan-mm , ZHANG Lian-sheng
Abstract:The GM (2 ,1) models can reflect the rend and periodic changes of system 111 the meantlme , so it is very useful. But the apprOXlmate calculation m traditional method of building models made the precision of GM (2 ,1) models very low , and greatly obstructed its usmg range. Aimmg at these shortages , this paper presents and proved an lmprovmg method of building GM (2 ,1)models , and tests and verifies this method by an example.
ZHANG Lei , ZHENG Ze-xl , SONG Wan-de
Abstract:A valuable modeling method for the DSS is provided in this paper. The genetlc algorithm between substance data and model of model base IS established first of all. Then making use of adaptmg seeking supenor and intelligence searching technique of the genetic algorithm. The best compatible model is obtained from the model base. This method conquers a part of the problems of traditional modeling method to a certain degree.
Abstract:The existence problem of nonnegative so ution of Di phantus equation sum from i=1 to r a_ix_i=n is discussed by using the elementa rymethod, and a kind of non-exi stence condition for thenonnegative solution of it is given in this paper.
Abstract:Forecastmg and allocatmg armament overhaul cost 1S a significant problem of the management for usmg armament. First, this thesis makes a general describe and study on correlative problems of armament overhaul cost. Based on 1t, macroscopical forecast models are founded. Then , former m1crocosmic forecast models are 1mproved, and new m1crocosmic forecast models are founded. Furthermore, the new models are validated with practical data , and the result shows that new models are more accurate. At the same t1me, allocatmg methods and models are brought forward. The eHectiveness/cost rat10 of armament overhaul will be improved by means of the allocatlOn methods and models. The productlOn 1S powerful to support armament manage branch's reasonable decision-making.
Abstract:In this paper. some problem of attack-defense rivalry lS studied when TBM adopts mobile penetratlOn flight on reentry segment. Through constructmg attack-defense rivalry slmulatlOn system. we studied and discussed systematically the effect of reentry parameters to penetrability and technological measures of how to enhance mtercept efficiency.
TIAN Chang-huï , LEI Hu-min , QU Ma-lin , WANG Yong-cang , LI Rong-lin , NIU Bo-liang
Abstract:The effect of Corioli's force under the conditions of centrifuging and vibratlOn is investlgated in the paper. It is pomted out that Corioli's force cannot be neglected under composlte Clrcumstance of centrifuging and vihratlOn , which is in fact the combinatlOns of vibratlOn , centrifugmg and Corioli's force. Its effects should be considered in the design about the expenmental devlces of centrifuging and vibratlOn.
CAO Peng , TANG Xiao-bing , HE Zheng-hong
Abstract:On the foundation of D-S theory, the paper makes use of informatlOn provided by the target echo and makes a comprehenslve utilization of different methods of target recognition to recogmze targets. It greatly improves the recognition efficiency and reliability of recognition result. It also has better effect of target classificatlOn.
LIU Shi-kao , LI Gang , LI Hong-li , LIAO Guang-jian
Abstract:The characters of cautlOns controller is analyzed in this paper, the limitation of control lable disciplinanan of the controller of the least square mlstake by means of LMS is also expatlated , and the method to seek controllable disciplinanan to conquer the limitation of cautlons controlleris presented.
Abstract:It is new mode in integrated navlgatlOn that INS is corrected with distance and onentation measured by wireless nav1gatlOn system. According to the correct conclusion of a type of airplane this paper presents a new arithmetic that IS applicable to INS in our country and wireless nav1gatlOn system mtegrated nav1gat10n, 1ts mathematical model is already adopted in INS that will be made in our country, and it may be kept for reference to INS/TACAN integrated navigation.
Abstract:The basic model of the cellular Neural Network CCNN) is briefly described in this paper. Based on the discretetransformatlOn of contmuous-tIme CNN ,feature extractlOn techniques of character recognition usmg CNN are proposed by the combinatlOn of connected component detector and shadow detector. Good results of computer slmulation expertment are also glven.
ZHANG Xiao-shui , ZHAO Quan-xi
Abstract:The fast algorithm for discrete Hartley transform of the speciallength 31 is presented in this paper. It is a recurS10n algorithm of discrete Hartley transform m which the length 31 is turned mto the length 3/- 1• The structure lS slmpler and arithmet1c operatlOns are fewer than those ofother known algorithms.
TANG Wei-ping , ZHEN Shu-chun , YANG Shou-guo
Abstract:ln this paper.the Finite Diffenence Time-Domam method (FDTD method) is employed for the first tlme to andyse the septum polarizer of antenna system m airborne nacelle jammer deslgned by ourselves in detail. The performance parameters and distinct physical images of this new type of polarizer are yielded. And a new kind of annota tlOn of polarizer IS gl ven ,w hich is easy to understand.
Abstract:A replacement algorithm of LMS by the algorithm in frequency domain(FLMS) was derived in detail. Computer slmulation of adaptive nOlse canceller with FLMS shows that It requires less computation than conventlOnal LMS algorithm when the filter length equals or exceeds 64, while the convergence rate of FLMS is nearly the same as that of LMS algorithm. The limitation and possible application m practlce of FLMS are also discussed.
ZHANG Sui-ping , ZHENG Fei-yan
Abstract:Data Warehouse 1S one of the focuses in Database analysis these uyears , and it is the contact between the DSS and the Database technology.On the base of studying in the realization techonlogy of Data Warehouse and traditionary Database ,this paper discuses the realization process of Data Warehouse ,key parts and interrelated technology.
Abstract:This paper describes how to control and managemultichannel direct dialing calls by the system consist of personal computers and single chip processors. In the system, single chip processors are front end processors and a personal computer is a rear end processor. The data switching between front and rear end processors is carried o n through serial transmission.
GUO Zhi-yong , DU Xing-min , SONG Bo , WEI Jun-gan
Abstract:There IS no influence of aerodrome on the calibratlon of airplane radio compass error with aerophotograph , but It causes some effects on measurement accuracy. In this paper, not only the causation of the error but also the calculation methods are analysed in detail. Besides , the precision is improved via appropnate data processmg and that is the solid foundation of the application of aerophotograph.
LI Wei-min , HUANG Haì-qìng , WANG Yuan-yì
Abstract:We have ana1yzed the mechanism of fiber-optic Bragg grating formed by photo-induction process ,such as transverse exposure on the side of the fiber with an interference pattern formed with an intense UV laser source to produce the index modulation or phase grating in the fiber core. And at 1ast the paper introduces appliance of FBG in WDM system.
Abstract:An introductlOn on the principle ,components ,and implementation of an adaptlve DBF processor is given. The expertment result is also given ,and some key techniques are solved. It is showed that digital beamformmg(DBF) is a powerful technique for enhancmg radar antenna performance.
Abstract:This disguisition mainly expounds the principle of the numerical value calculation of convolution, and how to realize the dynamlc process of convolution by a software designed by TURBOC.
Abstract:In this paper , The fundamental solution of a class of reaction diffusion equation is derived by means of Fourier integral transformation of generalized function. On the basis of the above , the boundary integral equation is established. The result of this paper have been developed in a method for elimination of domain integral appearing in the boundary integral equation.
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