Abstract:A novel resonant-type composite right/left-handed transmission line and its correlative lumped-element equivalent circuit model are presented based on regular hexagon complementary single split ring resonator pair. The effective mechanism of its transmission lines is further defined, the control of the resonance frequency and that of the transmission band are realized through analysis of the structure parameters. A perfect balanced condition at 4 GHz is accomplished for the novel CRLH TL, and its impedance bandwidth comes to 1.85 GHz (3.61~5.46 GHz), and the relative bandwidth comes to 40.8%. The circuit model is analyzsed in depth by adopting transfer parameter matrix and Bloch-Floquet theory. A high coincidence of parameters' results of the circuit model and the electromagnetic simulation proves the correctness and efficiency of the circuit model. And a balanced condition is extracted. The negative refractive index and the backward wave propagation are demonstrated by the effective electromagnetic parameter retrieval.